Medtronic Extended infusion set and reservoir

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Rob Oldfield

Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Hi all,

Today I had a visit to new hospital - Royal Devon & Exeter - that's taken over my pump care and they've given me a nice shiny new 780G. (Note that they don't give out new pumps as a matter of course - it just happened to be due for a change.) As part of that conversation the DSN mentioned the possibility of switching on to the Medtronic Extended infusion set and reservoir - That surprised me as I wasn't aware they existed. Seems like a straightforward decision to switch to only needing to do set changes each week or so rather than every three days but checking through the site I can't see a great deal of discussion of them. There's this thread - - but nothing else I can see going back to start of 2023.

Are people using these? Recommended or problematic?
Hi Rob
I liked the idea of changing sensor and cannula on the same day each week. I did try them for a couple of weeks but found that I ended up with a very skanky cannula site after three/four days so did not persist with them. I have met others who have had no problem and are using them for the full week. It is probably worth a try.
Yes I've been using them for a year, no problems! Capacity is 3ml so as long as you don't use over 40u ish per day TDD should be fine
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