Medtronic Enlite sensor delivery time

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Has anyone ordered and received any Enlite sensors since receiving the letter from Medtronic explaining the problem with the lack of availability? I know @pottersusan wrote something about the situation but I can't find the post.

I'm feeling a little nervous about how long the sensors will take to arrive. I've just ordered some but they aren't able to give me a delivery date or any advice on whether it will be weeks or longer. I'm completely reliant on cgm to tell me when I'm hypo as I don't have any awareness and I'm feeling a little bit uneasy!
I ordered a box on the 12th and phoned this morning to find out the latest. They said I should get them sometime next week. I'm off travelling for 5 weeks in two week's time so wanted to make sure I was covered while I'm away.
I've not placed an order since the announcement (I don't order often in any case).

However I have seen a subsequent clarification that they are limiting supply to new customers and reserving stock based on existing people's ordering history - so hopefully even if there is a slight delay, it won't be too much.

In your shoes I would probably order a little earlier than normal though.
Havent needed to order since the letter. But I've been waiting for a single one to replace one that didn't work for at least four weeks. Though I got my last proper order OK.
Oh yes! That's true. I'd forgotten I have a replacement on its way too.
I ordered a box on the 12th and phoned this morning to find out the latest. They said I should get them sometime next week. I'm off travelling for 5 weeks in two week's time so wanted to make sure I was covered while I'm away.
Just got an email from UPS to say they'll be delivered tomorrow.
Thanks for the update @m1dnc, good to know you'll be covered for your travels. I'll work on approx 2 weeks from when I ordered them and hope for the best.
Wow! sensors ordered Friday, told they couldn't give me a date for delivery due to availability issues but they arrived today. What fantastic service from Medtronic- I'm so relieved! :D
That's pretty good. Mine arrived today too.
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