medtronic demo

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Hi all,
Just got in from our day in London!
Well, what can i say except BRILLIANT BRILLIANT BRILLIANT!

We were late due to the trains etc - and when we got there Alex was the only child, so i felt a bit apprehensive for him. Anyway, it was all brilliant and we learnt loads about the veo - its great.

There was a young chap there who had been put on the veo 3 weeks ago and he just wanted some more detailed info on the pump.

He was about 24ish - absolutely gorgeous afro-carribean chap - so full of enthusiasm and we were all mesmerised when he spoke! He shook Alex's hand and told him he was cool and that he would be even cooler with a veo! Not that Alex is fickle at all - but - he was totally sold by this lovely young mans words - mostly because he was wearing a 'rolex' and 'hugo boss' everything!:D
So all the words in the world (from me) wouldnt have had much affect on Alex it seems - but - this young chap said it all in one sentence!
Alex now desperately wants the veo!

I am not saying that other pumps are inferior - just that from a parents point of view - this is the only one with sensors.
Also, there was a lady there who had used her sensor for 11 days! Then we were told it has been known that someone used theirs for 17 days!

So a great day was had by all and we just want Alex pumping now! Hope your all ok.:DBev
Terrific news Bev, and a great reinforcement for Alex to have such a cool guy endorsing it!🙂
Hi Bev!

What great news! So glad your day went so well!

My son started on the veo today and i am already in love with it. You and Alex would just love it!

When will you know if you are getting one?

Love Mand x
Woo hoo thats fabulous.

I think the sensors for the Veo are new ! You may have to correct me if I'm wrong. I think that Medtronic found out that most people were 'tricking' the three day sensors to work for 6 days (we do) and so when the Veo came out, they have devised the 6 day sensor. So whether that means that you can 'trick' the 6 day to work for 12 days or so I don't know.

Don't get too excited with the long days of sensor use, it is not necessarily the sensor that will break down after so many days, it could be the site. I know now from experience that if J has her sensor in for 7 days (as I have tricked it twice and its' still going) then her site will not be good at all and it will be red.

However apart from that, I would very much like to meet this lovely young 23 year old. Did you tell him you had a lovely 40 year old single friend who could help him press those pump buttons !!!!!!

I'm over the moon for you and Alex, he is a star and just watching him at Hoburne and changing his mind re pumps was fab. You are a fantastic mum Bev and I'm so pleased for you.
Woo hoo thats fabulous.

I think the sensors for the Veo are new ! You may have to correct me if I'm wrong. I think that Medtronic found out that most people were 'tricking' the three day sensors to work for 6 days (we do) and so when the Veo came out, they have devised the 6 day sensor. So whether that means that you can 'trick' the 6 day to work for 12 days or so I don't know.

Don't get too excited with the long days of sensor use, it is not necessarily the sensor that will break down after so many days, it could be the site. I know now from experience that if J has her sensor in for 7 days (as I have tricked it twice and its' still going) then her site will not be good at all and it will be red.

However apart from that, I would very much like to meet this lovely young 23 year old. Did you tell him you had a lovely 40 year old single friend who could help him press those pump buttons !!!!!!

I'm over the moon for you and Alex, he is a star and just watching him at Hoburne and changing his mind re pumps was fab. You are a fantastic mum Bev and I'm so pleased for you.

Hi Adrienne,
Well, come to think of it, i 'forgot' to tell him about you - but i think thats because i was being purely selfish and thinking that i wouldnt mind his slippers under my bed! Oooops! Did i say that out loud? Oh and he smelt divine - obviously expensive aftershave!

He told me that he used to be almost permanently hypo - i mean he gave presentations at work and he was 1.9mmols!!!!!!!!

He has lost his hypo awareness and the paramedics had been called to his workplace 3 times this year - he was unconcious once.
So he decided he was being negligent with his diabetes and he went to see laila king and she told him to go on a pump. He is now the perfect diabetic and he now knows how he 'feels' when he is hypo!

We also met laila and she is wonderful and is so motivated about diabetes and told Alex that there is no reason in the world that he should ever have complications with all the new technology etc.🙂Bev
Sounds like an exellent day Bev, glad you both enjoyed it. I think I would have fancied him too 😉
I am normally hard to please with men - but i have to say he was beautiful to look at! I know thats not everything - but if i was 20 years younger....oooh...
I'm glad you had a great day out with Alex.

I guess the maps worked OK:D

Did you get any sightseeing in?
Hi Tez,
We didnt do much sight seeing as the rain was awful! We went to hyde park but it was lashing down - so we went to covent garden and had a lovely lunch and then watched some magicians which Alex loved! Then we got the train early - but the piccadilly line had closed due to someone ill on the train - so got a taxi to the hospital. 15 minutes late! Lovely day though. But we have decided we dont like the tube! 🙂Bev
ooh I love covent garden and the acts that perform there are amazing :D
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Hi Tez,
We didnt do much sight seeing as the rain was awful! We went to hyde park but it was lashing down - so we went to covent garden and had a lovely lunch and then watched some magicians which Alex loved! Then we got the train early - but the piccadilly line had closed due to someone ill on the train - so got a taxi to the hospital. 15 minutes late! Lovely day though. But we have decided we dont like the tube! 🙂Bev

I agree about the Tube. I get the bus or walk. I'm fortunate that I know central London very well. I used to spend many a Saturday riding around with a red bus rover ticket!

If you want some inspiration for another day out let me know.

One thing, I think you said you live near Swindon. I went there to see my other half's mother and they have some weird roundabouts there.
Oh and he smelt divine - obviously expensive aftershave!

Oh I think Im in love with him too....! A man that smells good, yummy :D

All I can say is Bev, lucky I didnt go- or I wouldnt know how to operate the Veo due to the DISTRACTION!

On a serious note, Im thrilled for you both. And how great that fella was there- just what your boy needs, to know he can still be 'cool'. I am so pleased for you both.

I would have loved to have gone to a demo, my DSN went to Watford (where Medtronic are based) the other month on a Medtronic conference when the Veo came out and she said they are a great company, presenting really well. I would be really interested to hear about it from the horses mouth.

Glad you had such a worthwhile trip. Did you get far in Hyde Park? It was the 7/7 memorial and unveiling today of the pillar tribute, Prince Charles and others were there so I expect security was high. Then we had that dreadful weather, thunder and lightening and the Victoria line St closed due to flooding, and it was the Harry potter Premier in Leicester Sq. Can you tell I watched "London Tonight" this evening?!

Great to hear all this good news on the forum today!

Love louisa x
really pleased you and alex had a great day
Hi Bev....

Thats brilliant news for you, alex and the whole family...:D

Even better you had some nice eye candy to look at....😉

Out of interest, I registered with the online medtronic Pump School. The blimmin' thing crashed my computer!😱😡
Out of interest, I registered with the online medtronic Pump School. The blimmin' thing crashed my computer!😱😡

ouch! 😡 how annoying for you , so idnt suppose you will be trying again then??
Oh no! When did this happen Northerner? How awful.:(Bev

It happened earlier on today. I registered OK and was then about to start the course and it froze up my browser (never a pleasant experience!). My PC is a bit clunky these days, but even so it does undermine your confidence in a technology company when their interface with the public is technologically unsound!

I might try again tomorrow steff, and see what happens. I'm sure their pumps are fine though - nobody worry!😉
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