Medtronic 780 and simplera sensors


Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Hi, just looking for others experiences/ advice as I have just recently gone on to 780 Medtronic pump with simplera sensors. I have been on it three weeks and just waiting for the hospital to arrange the appointment to switch smartguard on so I'm using it manually only at the moment. I'm just struggling to get used to not having a handset any more because of having to do everything on the pump itself because sometimes it's tucked away and not easy to get out discreetly. I just wondered how others wear their pump is it best to always have it on a waist band for example? Or do you need to access it much less when smart guard is on? Yesterday I was at an event and it said it lost signal. It vibrated a few times with the message coming up but then it started with a loud alarm sound so I had to dash off so I could turn off. It was a bit embarrassing. I can't see how you can prevent the alarms if you don't want it to go off audibly in certain situations. Any advice gratefully received!
Silencing all alerts for a limited amount of time, instructions near the bottom of page:
The Medtronic 780 was my main reason for buying an iPhone.
The Simplera CGM Display in the App Store may be helpful if you have one, though I imagine they have other versions for other phones.
Thanks this is helpful - I am going to test out the silencing. It will be interesting to see if it stops the lost signal alarm from going off although hoping that shouldn't really be happening too much any way. I do have an iPhone and I've been using the Medtronic app to view my levels. Didn't realise there was also an app for simplera - I will check that out.
You should also be able to set alerts to “vibrate only” in many cases. There are some (eg hypo alarms) that will always sound, but depending on whether you’d mostly like vibrate-only, or whether you’d generally prefer audible alarms apart from certain situations (eg in a theatre performance) there should be some settings to help.

I find it helps to keep the pump on the same ‘side’ of my body as the Simplera (which I wear on the back of my arm). It seems more reliable to have a sort of ‘line of sight’ between sensor and pump.

I have the iOS Minimed Mobile app (which includes a lock-screen widget) that displays the status of pump and sensor which I find really handy. So I only really need to get the pump out to bolus, or set things like temp target.

I’ve always worn my pumps mostly on my belt, but it’s not essential. A friend just uses a pocket which suits him better, and some women tuck it into their bra.

I made a little leather band with poppers, so that my pump can sit horizontally on my belt. Which I find helps to stop it digging in when I sit down 🙂


Hope you get on well with Smartguard. It has helped me immensely. And significantly reduced the number of alerts and alarms I get.
Hi @HannahB I am still using Guardian 4 sensors but find that, like @everydayupsanddowns the system likes to have pump and sensor on same side of body. I just stick to putting cannulas the same side as the sensor for a week, then swap the next week.

I was in manual for a month before I did the switch to Smartguard. I found the switch difficult as I kept interfering initially. Once I let go and left it to do its job it was a lot better. It still took a bit of getting used to but so pleased that I stuck with it.

I have my alarms set on silent so just get the vibration, unless I go hypo, which is not unreasonable. I have far fewer hypos in Smartguard so this is a lot less of a problem.

I found it very irritating having to access my pump to do stuff. I had had a Combo and I did everything on a handset. I have got used to it now, and can look at state of things for driving etc on my phone using the minimed mobile app. My data is also downloaded each night through that app and I share this with my clinic. This was very useful at the start as they were able to look at my data if I phoned them with a query.

I wear my pump either in a pouch that I hang from the side of my bra, tucked under the side of my bra, or if wearing a dress with limited access I tuck it in to the top of my bra but slightly under the arm. Others use straps on their thighs with a hidn belt that you can buy.

Let us know how you get on.
Hi, just looking for others experiences/ advice as I have just recently gone on to 780 Medtronic pump with simplera sensors. I have been on it three weeks and just waiting for the hospital to arrange the appointment to switch smartguard on so I'm using it manually only at the moment. I'm just struggling to get used to not having a handset any more because of having to do everything on the pump itself because sometimes it's tucked away and not easy to get out discreetly. I just wondered how others wear their pump is it best to always have it on a waist band for example? Or do you need to access it much less when smart guard is on? Yesterday I was at an event and it said it lost signal. It vibrated a few times with the message coming up but then it started with a loud alarm sound so I had to dash off so I could turn off. It was a bit embarrassing. I can't see how you can prevent the alarms if you don't want it to go off audibly in certain situations. Any advice gratefully received!
Hi I am type 1 Medtronic Mini Med .These simplear sensors seems to be postcode lottery. What county are you if you dont mind.
Hi I am type 1 Medtronic Mini Med .These simplear sensors seems to be postcode lottery. What county are you if you dont mind.

If you have had the MM780 for a while you’ll need to wait a little while for the software update to be rolled out.

Only new MM780 starts have the pumps that have the correct software version.
I have just had notification that as my pump is due to be replaced (after 4 years) I am switching to the Simplera Sensors. I am getting this a month early as they are doing the training for a bunch of us together.
I have just had notification that as my pump is due to be replaced (after 4 years) I am switching to the Simplera Sensors. I am getting this a month early as they are doing the training for a bunch of us together.

Hope you get on well with them @SB2015

I'm trusting them a lot more after my first sensor, which was a bit dodgy.

I still think they have a tendency to read either just above the low limit, or just below the high limit for improved Time in Range, but most often these days when I cross-check with fingerstick there's only a few decimal places between Simplera and Contour (sensor lag excepted, of course)
I'm trusting them a lot more after my first sensor, which was a bit dodgy.
Did you do the 48 hours inn manual before switching on Smartguard? We in theory have a week between the two training sessions when they want us to wait before switching. I guess as the pump likes to use a full six days of data in its algorithm that makes sense, but as have just waited the 48 hours on a changeover of pump (after drowning previous one).
I will let you know how it goes.
Did you do the 48 hours inn manual before switching on Smartguard? We in theory have a week between the two training sessions when they want us to wait before switching. I guess as the pump likes to use a full six days of data in its algorithm that makes sense, but as have just waited the 48 hours on a changeover of pump (after drowning previous one).
I will let you know how it goes.

My switchover was a bit weird tbh, so yes and no!

I received my training while away at a festival. I’d only taken one MM780G infusion set with me, and unfortunately it failed (I always had trouble with 90-degree Quicksets, but hoped Mio Advance would be better).

So I switched back to tSlim, kept the Simplera going, and carried the MM780 with me inputting the same carbs/corrections on both pumps, but not connected to the MM780 (failed) infusion set.

So my Simplera ‘learned’ me with the tSlim, Control IQ.

After the weekend, and once I had access to extra Mio Advances, I got one that worked (after a few tries), and was able to switch to Smartguard.
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Mmm not an ideal start. That might explain why your first sensor didn’t behave well.

I am booked in for a training morning, and have been let off the requirement to do a week in manual and can just switch to Smartguard after the required 48 hours.

I have decided to purchase a box of simplera sensors to create a buffer for any delays in deliveries. I found that helped with my others and took away any stress.