Medtronic 640g clip

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Well, mine broke whilst on hols but my husband somehow managed to bend it back into place. Luckily I noticed it had broke when I was sitting down. I have since read that lots of people have had clips break on them and low and behold a letter from Medtrnoic today and 2 spare clips. Apparently they are aware of a problem and admit they are not fit for purpose - working on improving their build apparently.
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Have had mine on my leathers (No pockets) at 130mph in Germany & all the way to Asia :D
Not had a problem with mine breaking so far, but I DO wish they had taken the opportunity of upgrading the spring in the back to be as firm as the one on the Veo. The MM640G is slightly bigger and heavier, but the spring on the clip (even these new replacements) is so much floppier than the old clip. :confused:🙄
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