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Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
I got put on Metformin a few months ago but i have the horrors (diarrhea) all the time since. I have IBS which in its self is bad enough and metformin is makin it so much worse so stopped taking them as i know the side effects should of stopped after a week but months later im still in same boat. Anyway, is there other meds I can take or do the drs just stick to the one drug? ive got an appointment for next week but would like to go armed with my choices

Had the same problem but not as long as you. Ok after changing to Metformin SR.

SR = Slow Release.
Ask for slow release metformin. Hope the side effects sort themselves out. In the mean time some folks find imodium helps, but take advice on it.
I had the same problem and the doctor put me on Glucophage which is a slow release form of Metformin, I'm much better now. Ask your doctor for it, hopefully it'll work for you too.
There's a whole host of other oral meds for diabetes, unfortunatly most of them can cause stomach upsets. Metformin MR seems to help a lot of people who can't cope with the regular tablets, also there's a liquid form that might help. Metformin might not be for you, my Grandma can't take it at all and controls her diabetes with diet and exercise (well, sort of, there's only so much exercise a fairly energetic octogenerian can take). You could try Gliclazide, that's probably the second most common oral diabetes medication, but unlike metformin it can allow hypos as it makes your pancreas pump out more insulin.
There's also glitazones, repaglinide, Tolbutamide and arcabose. There's plenty to choose from.
Fingers crossed they work for you x

Good luck
What does are you taking? I found taking two at a time a bit hard to stomach.
I've been on metformin a few motnhs, I started off on one tablet a day, and one gliclazide then grtadually up to 2 metformins. I had bad stomach problems, but they have nearly gone completely now after a few months.
Good luck. I hope it all works out for you 🙂
was on 2x 500mg metformin twice a day but on 2x 500mg of the sr 1s and going up to 4 a day in 6 weeks. Not started off good side effects are still here but i'll give it the 6 weeks see what happens
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