Mediterranean Diet

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angela craw

New Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Hi I've been diagnosed for a year now and am on metformin, statins and something for high blood pressure. My friend was recently diagnosed but decided to not take the pills and has kept his blood sugar at pre diagnosis levels (1) by using the med diet. I was told I had to eat the porridge, brown rice etc to stop my liver producing sugar. Has anyone else done the same?
Welcome to the forum, Angela Craw. Many members of this forum who have type 2 diabetes have been able to control their blood glucose levels with diet AND exercise. I expect some will be along soon to describe lower carbohydrate, glycaemic load etc. However, if you prefer to use medication as well, that's fine, too.
Hi Angela ,Welcome. We follow a variety of dietary regimes on here. tbh most of us find that the starchy carbs , ie potatoes, rice pasta and bread are not good for our BG (blood glucose) levels. a few of us do find we can tolerate wholemeal, brown rice etc a bit better.

Have a read of these.
Jennifer's advise, and
Maggie Daveys letter
TBH the only way we can find out how various foods affect us is by regular self testing and sadly most T2s are denied the very tools they need to do so, many often silly excuses are given.
The trouble with diabetes is, it is very individual eg, some of us can eat porridge without it raising our BG (blood glucose) too much others have to avoid it like the plague.
If your practice won't provide you with a glucose meter the SD Codefree is the cheapest one to fund ,the ongoing costs of the testing strips are around £7 for 50, high street brands can be as much as £30
Its available from Amazon or directly from Homehealth
We use the mmol/l measurement in the uk and your entitled to claim VAT relief.
Have a read of Test review adjust, by Alan S

Feel free to ask question ok, we'll do our best to help.
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Hello and welcome. 🙂 I can't eat porridge or rice without my bg spiking.
Welcome to the forum. I can't eat bread and pasta, but can eat small portions of rice, potato or couscous. Every one is different, there is no one size fits all with diabetes. There is not shame in taking the medication if you need it. Some people can manage on diet and exercise, but again there is no one size fits all solution.
Hi Angela, welcome to the group....

Many of is do well on a diet based on the Mediterranean Diet, I chose to opt for lower carb than that....

I was told I had to eat the porridge, brown rice etc to stop my liver producing sugar
I don't know who told you that but they are sources of carbs & those carbs will hit your blood, just how well you tolerate them is the question. Your tolerance can be determined by testing; as a group we largely advocate testing irrespective of whether your Dr. approves or not.
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