Mediterranean diet better than statins for tackling heart disease – study

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Heart disease is better treated with a Mediterranean-style diet than cholesterol-lowering drugs, it has been claimed.

A study found those who had a diet rich in vegetables, nuts, fish and oils were a third less likely to die early, compared with those who ate larger quantities of red meat, such as beef and butter.
Speaking at a global conference on heart disease in Rome, Italy, leading heart disease expert professor Giovanni de Gaetano said: “So far research has focused on the general population, which is mainly composed of healthy people.

“What happens to people who have already suffered from cardiovascular disease? Is the Mediterranean diet optimal for them too?”
Interesting, if you look at the 'related content' at the bottom of the article, they ran a similar story almost a year ago, so nothing new! though the researcher is different.
OH has been told to keep taking the statins, as he has a 60% blocked carotid, which caused a retinal arterial occlusion. Apparently statins help the plaques not to break off and do damage. In his case, I can't see a Mediterranean diet on its own having such a protective effect. ( though we largely eat one anyway because we like it).
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From what I have read I did not think they knew exactly how they work!
They might not precisely know how they work, Grovesy, but Robins observation is still true. What they do is different from how they work. After all, nobody knew how alcohol worked long, long before they knew what it did:confused:
They might not precisely know how they work, Grovesy, but Robins observation is still true. What they do is different from how they work. After all, nobody knew how alcohol worked long, long before they knew what it did:confused:
Agree, MikeyB. And I assume what they do regarding stopping the plaques breaking off is an accidental by-product of what they are supposed to do, which is to reduce cholesterol!
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