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Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Hi pls may I ask anyone who has experience in coming off metformin slow release as in just stop taking it and ppl experience with how there day to day life is on metformin pls and what a average day is for u as I find I have a good day today or for couple days then bam out of no where I feel all these diffrebt feelings like sweaty dizziness clamy tired and I have lie down and doing breathing exercises to get me out of the state of feeling its horrible never had this till be taking metformin I regret taking wish I knew to have said no thankyou I will do this by change of food and life style another question is I've changed my eating dramatically and now trying to slowly ween myself back to eating certain foods like wheat pasta wich I can only have about 10 individual pasta pieces or 8 and water cracker 1 and half with my meat and veg for a dinner I see ppl with diabetes and doesn't seem to effect there lives so why is myn effected dramatically in all areas
Whats your blood glucose level?
The feelings you have may be metformin reducing your blood sugar level, ie doing what they should do.
If you are used to high levels your body will complain when they go lower. You'll should soon adjust.
If you where put on metformin, this suggests your dietry changes were not able to reduce your sugar levels sufficiently, so going back onto higher carb is possibly not a good idea.
Do talk about your symptoms with the gp as we aren't meducally qualified and can't give medical advice
Hi pls may I ask anyone who has experience in coming off metformin slow release as in just stop taking it and ppl experience with how there day to day life is on metformin pls and what a average day is for u as I find I have a good day today or for couple days then bam out of no where I feel all these diffrebt feelings like sweaty dizziness clamy tired and I have lie down and doing breathing exercises to get me out of the state of feeling its horrible never had this till be taking metformin I regret taking wish I knew to have said no thankyou I will do this by change of food and life style another question is I've changed my eating dramatically and now trying to slowly ween myself back to eating certain foods like wheat pasta wich I can only have about 10 individual pasta pieces or 8 and water cracker 1 and half with my meat and veg for a dinner I see ppl with diabetes and doesn't seem to effect there lives so why is myn effected dramatically in all areas
For making some dietary changes have a look at this link which gives lots of information which will help you understand your condition and give you some do's and don'ts about making changes as well as some menu plans to suit various tastes and budgets.

Are you asking if you can just stop taking metformin because you are having unpleasant symptoms. How long have you been taking it as people often find taking with food helps and their symptoms settle down as the body adjusts to it.
You may have made dietary adjustment to quickly and in combination with the metformin have reduced your blood glucose and it your body is needing to adjust.
I don't think pasta is too good an idea unless you only have a very small portion.
The dose of metormin is normally started at a low amount and increased if needed over a few weeks but that will depend on what your HbA1C is.
My Dr said in March this year when was diagnosed my number was 117 and since the day was told I've changed my diet dramatically and exercise too I've lost since weight in March was 12 stone 11pounds now 11stone 8 pounds in Dec 2023 was 14 half stone I was put on fast releasing metformin 2 tablets 500mg a day wich is 1000 then two weeks ago changed to slow release metformin
My Dr said in March this year when was diagnosed my number was 117 and since the day was told I've changed my diet dramatically and exercise too I've lost since weight in March was 12 stone 11pounds now 11stone 8 pounds in Dec 2023 was 14 half stone I was put on fast releasing metformin 2 tablets 500mg a day wich is 1000 then two weeks ago changed to slow release metformin
Same 2 tablets 500mg 1000mg a day reason I changed was feeling not well on fast version I do feel better on slow releasing however because my diet is very limited wich I have done to myself I'm trying to slowly introduce more foods back in my diet like this morning I woke at 6am wich usually I wake up at 8am so today had breakfast just befir 8am then hour half later felt sweaty hot no energy inside and felt ill then by 11.40am after 30min lieing down doing slow breathing exercises I felt okay not sure why I get these random feelings as befor was diagnosed I had no strange or worried feelings in my body and my body was good and okay I'm due blood test June 7th to check what my bloods are as I had bloods done month ago and she said can see the bloods yet only fructose levels wich have gone down alott also today I've have been toilet 2 times to pass number 2 and it's little bit like firm slppy diarrhea
Same 2 tablets 500mg 1000mg a day reason I changed was feeling not well on fast version I do feel better on slow releasing however because my diet is very limited wich I have done to myself I'm trying to slowly introduce more foods back in my diet like this morning I woke at 6am wich usually I wake up at 8am so today had breakfast just befir 8am then hour half later felt sweaty hot no energy inside and felt ill then by 11.40am after 30min lieing down doing slow breathing exercises I felt okay not sure why I get these random feelings as befor was diagnosed I had no strange or worried feelings in my body and my body was good and okay I'm due blood test June 7th to check what my bloods are as I had bloods done month ago and she said can see the bloods yet only fructose levels wich have gone down alott also today I've have been toilet 2 times to pass number 2 and it's little bit like firm slppy diarrhea
It could be that as you have made quite substantial changes to your diet that you are experiencing what is called false hypos (low blood glucose) when it actual fact it is not low but lower than your body was used to, with an HbA1C of 117mmol/mol it would have been very high.
Out of interest what did you have for breakfast?
Many do suffer from stomach issues as you describe so important to stay well hydrated.
You mention fructose levels, what is that test you had done. If people suffer from anaemia then the HbA1C is not very accurate so a fructoseamine test might be done, was that it.
At least it is not long before your next HbA1C and you will know how effective what you have been doing has been.
Remember slow and steady is kinder on your body allowing it time to adjust and your dietary regime has to be enjoyable otherwise it will not be sustainable for the long term.
I had weeterbix wich is a usual breakfast of myn or oatmeal porridge these are the two breakfast I go between wich I need change so have diffrent variety
I had weeterbix wich is a usual breakfast of myn or oatmeal porridge these are the two breakfast I go between wich I need change so have diffrent variety
Some people don't tolerate breakfast cereals too well as they are high carb but it depends on how much you had.
Have you tried having something lower carb like full fat Greek yoghurt with some berries or seeds or nuts or eggs which would be lower carbs.
Symptoms could also be because blood glucose was high.
Having a home testing blood glucose monitor would help you cut out or reduce portions of foods which increase your blood glucose and find more foods which are OK. Testing before you eat and after 2 hours when you would be looking for an increase of no more than 3mmol/l.
Whats your blood glucose level?
The feelings you have may be metformin reducing your blood sugar level, ie doing what they should do.
If you are used to high levels your body will complain when they go lower. You'll should soon adjust.
If you where put on metformin, this suggests your dietry changes were not able to reduce your sugar levels sufficiently, so going back onto higher carb is possibly not a good idea.
Do talk about your symptoms with the gp as we aren't meducally qualified and can't give medical advice
Your point about adjusting to lower levels is really helpful. I kept thinking my body just needed a higher than the norm level as if I get to 6 I start feeling very out of sorts. Hopefully I'll adjust in time.
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