Medication taking

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New Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
I was diagnosed as having Type II at the start of 2000 and was put on Metformin, which at the time I took regularly and didn't really have any problems. However, over the years I have become very lax at taking my meds - I know that I am making myself worse and opening myself up to complications later on but I still can't motivate myself to be more compliant. 😡
I also suffer with chronic Depression which doesn't help. Is there anyone out there with any ideas on how I can motivate myself - I work in a drs surgery so I see patients who have complications due to their diabetes and know I am going down the same path and need to turn myself around but its so hard to do!
Are you being treated for the depression? If so, could you talk to the people who are treating you?

As for ways to motivate yourself, try setting up a chart where you tick each time you take your medication, then at the end of the week, give yourself a treat if you think you have done well.

Also, beating yourself up about it will only make the problem worse. It's one of those vicious circles they talk about with depression. See if you can get yourself booked on a mindfulness course as that may help.

Take things one day at a time. If you have bad day then just forget about it and start again.

Do you test your BGs by the way? There has been some debate over whether this is helpful for some T2s or can casue (or add to) depression. Personally (as someone who also suffers from depression) I would much rather know what is going on.
i was diognosed type 2 approx 6 years ago and was put on metformin. at first i tested my sugars and ate sensibly but depression set in and i started ignoring my diabetes. i lost weight and felt ok, at first until the ketones started taking over,and i ended up in hospital with diabetic ketoacidosis and nearlly died. i am now type 1 and insulin dependant,humalog 3 times with meals and levemir at night. take one day at a time,you are not alone! have you tried talking to your doctor or nurse about your depression? i know its not easy but there is alot of help out there you just need to make the first step.i suffered in silence for years but eventually got the help i needed and haven't looked back since. every now and then i get the odd down day but it does'nt last. i hope you manage to sort things out and can look forward to a happy and healthier 2009.
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