Medication related problem(s).

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Hi Everyone,

Not sure if this section is the best place to speak about this on here.

Within the last 3 months I have been prescribed Jardiance/Empagliflozin, as I was told my the diabetic nurse that they wanted to bring my BG levels down quicker, at last check they had dropped to 66 from 95, was also told they try and get a persons sugar levels down within 2 years of being diagnosed as diabetic.

At the beginning of May, I started having a lot of discomfort and a fair bit of pain in my right kidney area, plus my right leg has decided to start swelling again with oedema. I stopped taking the medication for 2 weeks, and the discomfort under my ribs (right side) settled down a fair bit, I took 1 more of the above medication on 16 May and the discomfort and pain returned, so have not taken it since.

This only started after taking this new medication, so I am putting it down to that, as there was no problem before with the rest of my meds. I will speak to the diabetic nurse on 30 May as I have an appointment with her. I am just hoping I have not caused any possible damage to my right kidney.

Has anyone had problems with their meds at all ? I have also read on here about people and taking Statin meds, I take atorvastatin, but I will be asking for the nurse to check what my cholesterol levels are at, as I am not happy having to take statins with all the things I have read and heard about them, how they block so many other important enzymes and other chemical compounds the body needs, in particular something like Vitamin B12.
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