Medication, Medication, Medication!!!!

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Christine Ronan

New Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Please help, I've been a type 2 for 10 years now and managed it well on Metformin 1000mg twice a day and as well as I could manage by diet too, until Christmas this year, when my levels weren't coming down.

Doctors put me on Sitagliptin 100mg in addition to Metformin, I didn't have any issues no side effects, after my blood test to see if they were working, I was told they weren't and in addition to that they have now put me on Gliclazine 40mg

Well... the effects this is having on me I have never experienced before, I wake up shaking and over the course of the day it reduces to a tremor, but doesn't go away, the thirst has increased tenfold, sweaty, muscle cramps and generally tired all the time. I have called the helpline and was told its symptoms of a hypo (never had one before) but Doctors are telling me its not a hypo as I'm too high.

Doctors have tested my thyroid which is all ok,(to rule that out) cholesterol is 3.4 so that was acceptable too, they are telling me its not the Gliclazide but it seems strange how its changed over the last 2 weeks since I've been taking them!

I generally run high never low - wake up 8.6-9.6 and it tends to jump slightly after eating but not by a lot 9.2-11 ish.

Has anyone else had issues with the mix of tablets? Is this normal? Will it settle down?

PS. not a new member but new to forum 🙂
Hi Christine, sorry to hear that you are experiencing problems with the medication. It sounds to me like you are experiencing 'false' hypos. This happens when your body has been used to higher blood glucose levels, but then you start experiencing lower ones - lower than you may have had for some time. Your brain interprets this as a low blood glucose and goes into panic mode, sending out distress signals which makes you shake and sweat as you describe. If you feel this way and test, and your levels are not low, then just having a small biscuit or similar should help raise your levels a little and relieve the symptoms. In time, as you become more accustomed to the lower levels generally the symptoms will only occur at much lower levels. So it should settle down, hopefully before too long! 🙂 Note that Gliclazide works by stimulating your pancreas to produce more insulin, so this is probably why it is producing this effect - it's doing what it is supposed to do. If things don't improve then I would go back to your GP and discuss whether the dose is correct for you, but hopefully you will start to feel much better soon 🙂
hasa it made your levels fall to what they have, if so you could be having false hypos!
I have been on all three medicines, when I first went on Gliclizide I did not like the rate it dropped my levels, so I was put on the slow release version .
I reduced my portions and carbhydrate intake over the last couple of years! My weight has gradually dropped and so has my HBA1c, so much so that I have stopped the Glicazide 2 weeks ago!
I didn't have those issues with that mixture of meds, but the metformin had an unfortunate effect on my bowel movements.

Have you read the patient information leaflets that come with the medications? Might also help to talk to pharmacist about possible side effects as well as keeping in touch with your doctor.
Thanks Northerner my testing for the last 2 weeks (which I've not had to do before) has remained quite static and no movement not really gone below 8.6 even at my shakiest - waiting on Doctors now 🙂

Grovesy - levels haven't budged by the looks of things and the latest blood test 2 weeks later! The thing is i lost 3 stone, still overweight, but can buy clothes in normal shops so all good, but since the last stone I lost, the levels have jumped i was always in the 6's when I did test and now 9's makes no sense! part of wants to put the weight back on and go back to normal but I know thats not the answer! just getting fed up and frustrated at the moment. Should clarify only used to test occassionally over the years not a regular tester.

Haha Caroline, early days with metformin I remember those well ! I have read the leaflets but the only one that has those affects is the sitagliptin which I have been on since Christmas with no issues so its just weird and confusing as to why, the dose of gliclazide is low so ????
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I hope something gets sorted for you soon. Might pay to talk to the doctor about the possibility you have an underlying infection.
I can see why you are confused then if your levels haven't really changed or come down much :confused: It does seem to be related to the gliclazide though, given the timing of the onset of the problems. Hope the doctor is able to provide and answer or an alternative 🙂
Afternoon All I thought I would give you an update following my Dr's call. They believe I am having a reaction to the Gliclazide (really!!) I am now going to be referred to the specialist team and look to go on weekly injections non-insulin based - does anyone have any opinions on those please
Hi. I have no experience with non insulin based injections, but some people on here do hopefully they will be along soon.
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