medication and the pump

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Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Do you find that certain medicines you need to take interfere with your insulin?
How do you get round this problem ? I would be interested to hear your thoughts on this.
I’ve never been aware of a medication interfering with insulin - probably a question for your pharmacist or diabetes clinic?
Some medications can increase / decrease insulin doses required. If patient information leaflet says something like " caution for diabetics", then ask an expert ie a pharmacist.
I notice some changes in my BG levels after breakfast if I have forgotten to take my meds. I can't remember which of them it is that has the impact but it was test and adjust when any new meds added to the 'sweeties'. I now look on it as a useful reminder.

If you change meds, check the info leaflet. These often don't indicate which way they may effect you, so I just keep a watch and if necessary do a fasting test.
I think some things can affect insulin or BG, e.g. paracetamol, as I recall. But anything you take regularly would probably not be noticed as your established basal or carb ratio would reflect the effect. As others have said, if in doubt, ask a pharmacist.
I’ve never been aware of a medication interfering with insulin - probably a question for your pharmacist or diabetes clinic?
thanks for your answer, I have found that some meds can bring you down and others can increase it, best advice keep a check to see if a pattern follows and adjust insulin accordingly
Well I know that steroids always put your BGs up and there's an AB - ?Trimethropin is it - that makes you a lot more sensitive to insulin - but not aware of anything else drugwise doing the same for everyone.
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