Medical review driver declaration postal address?

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1.5 LADA
Hi everyone,

I've received a "medical review driving licence acceptance - driver declaration" form from the DVLA. It says to fill it in and return it with my current licence in the envelope provided. Except...I wasn't provided with an envelope. Presumably I can send it in any old envelope but I wondered if anyone could confirm the address for me. The one at the top of the letter is:

Drivers Medical Group
SA99 1DX

I can call them to check, but hoping to save some time spent on hold by tapping into the wisdom here. Thanks for any insight on this!
Okay, 16 minutes on hold which isn't too bad. Apparently that would be the right address to send it to (although I'd probably recommend checking for yourself if you find yourself in this situation).
It says to fill it in and return it with my current licence in the envelope provided. Except...I wasn't provided with an envelope.

Annoying that they didn’t include the return address on the back of the form somewhere!

Glad you managed to get through to confirm the address you had was OK.
Annoying that they didn’t include the return address on the back of the form somewhere!

Glad you managed to get through to confirm the address you had was OK.
Yes it was rather annoying! I was confused too because they included two different addresses within the letter (one for sending additional information and one for appeals) but not the address to send the actual form back to. Also I found online all the instructions just said “send the form back to the address on the form”… my form certainly didn’t have an address on it. Anyway, seems to have worked out okay as I had a text on Friday saying that my new driving licence will arrive within the next two weeks. Hurrah!
Also I found online all the instructions just said “send the form back to the address on the form”… my form certainly didn’t have an address on it.

Left hand… right hand…

Such a simple thing to include on a form - I really can’t understand why it wasn’t included!
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