Medical ID?

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Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
I know a lot of people wear some kind of id jewellery, I understand type 1 diabetics wearing them but Im not sure if type 2 wears them. Im type 2 and on metformin, should I wear some kind of id incase im in an accident or something? For what ive read type 2s dont get hypos (whether thats correct or not i dont know) so dono what i should do
Hi i am type 2 and on same meds, all i have is a id card in my purse which i was given , i dont have any jewellery though but i do know some find it an advantage if anything was to happen to them when they were out and about.
i am like steff, i just carry my card in my wallet, i got an wrist band that i got off ebay for 4 quid that i wear when i go out drinking or clubbing,
I'm type 2 and went for belt and braces approach. I have the necklace with telephone numbers and serial numbers in case of emergency and I have a bracelet.

It is personal choice, it just allows medical people to be aware they need to look out for certain things in an emergency. It is only my personal opinion and there is no right or wrong, but I think it is a good idea for anyone with any kind of medical condtion to carry something to identify what it is as it could be a life saver in an emergency.
I know a lot of people wear some kind of id jewellery, I understand type 1 diabetics wearing them but Im not sure if type 2 wears them. Im type 2 and on metformin, should I wear some kind of id incase im in an accident or something? For what ive read type 2s dont get hypos (whether thats correct or not i dont know) so dono what i should do

Type 2's 'do' get hypo's if they are on meds like Gliclazide or if they are on insulin. But that is not the only reason for wearing medical i.d.

If you were involved in an accident and unconscious and couldn't tell anyone you were diabetic you could get to the hospital and be put on a glucose drip which would make you ill as your BG's would be pushed through the roof with a constant glucose infusion.

So it is a good idea to have some form of medical i.d on you.
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