Medical Experts would like schools closed for the autumn

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Hi All,

Here we go again..more input regarding swine flu. This morning on the BBC, Medical Professions have asked the Government Ministers to closed all schools for the autumn, in order to contain the spread of swine flu...A view that the medical world say could reduce swine flu cases by up to 48%.

The Government have rejected this idea..despite the Medical Profession drawing up papers in favour of this. Saying there is no need for such action or panic...mmmmmm......on the panic side of things I think both the Government and the Media, have managed to excel themselves on this score.

Just wondered what your views are on this latest news.


you can see more about it there ^^

personally i assumed when 2 members of staff and pupil got it they would close the school but when we got the letter they said now it is out "in the community" they was no need to close school .I have heard mothers talking saying they are keeping there child off anyways regardless of this letter saying not to. Personally and this is not like me becasue anything to do with my childs health been at risk then im a total worry wart, but for some reason until i am told or know of anything happening in his school or in close proximity im just taking it all easy, thats not to say in 2 or 3 days time i wont be running around like a headless chicken again.
Hi Steff..

Thank you for the link....🙂

To be quite honest....I am at a loss what to think about it all at the moment again......

Part of me thinks that Nathan is no more at risk from being exposed to swine flu at school, than he is for example going round asda...(other supermarkets are

The other part thinks that if this measure could confine the spread or in extreme case's prevent the death of a child/teenager with under lying health conditions..or not....surely the suggestion cannot be ruled out....

I'm just totally confused with all the if's, but's, what's and why's etc......:confused:

I think there is a lot of conflicting advice. Public transport in London is always over crowded, and my eledest son and I work in public buildings. If we were going to get it, we'd have got it by now, so unless we are told otherwise by our firms, our GP or the school little feller is going to, we are carrying on as normal. At home they are using me as a guide as I'm in one of the atr risk groups...
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