Medical Alert - Accu-Chek® Insight insulin pumps

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Yeah they sent me some ages ago - but since I've never accidentally done any such thing, I haven't bothered with them. There again you can set one of the keys up as a bolus shortcut key and I haven't bothered doing that either so I have to press buttons a number of times to bolus directly on the pump instead of testing my blood first, hence it would be extremely dubious whether I even could bolus accidentally!

Cosmic Hedgehog had hers before I did.
yeah i got sent the key frames.. never stuck them on though. fairly impossible to bolus accidently especially if you don't set up the quick bolus amount. Mine is set to 0.0 so even if the button gets pressed nothing happens lol. i do unlock it accidently occasionally when its in my hoodie pocket.. but the steps required to bolus from unlock are an exact set of different button presses. Not a big issue really, i guess someone somewhere accidently bolused and made a fuss, hence the key frames. Its more about accu chek/ roche not wanting to be sued than any actual danger to life
Hear Hear Becky ! Just what I thought - BUT we do know some kids use the Insight - so not such a bad idea after all is it? Then again - some kids who are old enough to know better might grab hold of a schoolmate's pump and press buttons - they are so sodding spiteful, some of them apparently these days.
Hear Hear Becky ! Just what I thought - BUT we do know some kids use the Insight - so not such a bad idea after all is it? Then again - some kids who are old enough to know better might grab hold of a schoolmate's pump and press buttons - they are so sodding spiteful, some of them apparently these days.
very true! although most of that malarky seems to go on online at each other these days. I know all too well, with 2 teenagers lol. Its a minefield.. There's always that one, that goes too far though 🙄
OMG teenage kids. You have my sincere sympathy.
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