MedAngel- Smart Thermometer, does anyone have experience with this or an alternative option?

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New Member
Hi, when I last backpacked (pre-pandemic around Asia) a staff member at one of the hostels where I stayed at put my medication bag with all of my insulin stock (except the pens I was using) in the freezer after I checked in.

I wasn't aware this happened until I needed to take out another vial the following morning and realised that all my insulin had been frozen. It was a nightmare trying to replace all my insulin in the country I was in at the time and realised just how important it is to safeguard against this happening again.

Im planning on donning my backpack at the end of this year to travel around South America and want to reduce the risk of this happening again.

I did some research during the pandemic and came across MedAngels which seems like the perfect solution (smart thermometer that sends alerts to your phone when meds are at the wrong temperature) except the reviews are mixed as it connects to your phone over bluetooth instead of wifi and this impacts on the distance you can be alerted about temperature changes to your meds without having your meds on your person.

See here:

Has anyone had any experience with MedAngel or know of an alternative smart option that uses wifi to send the alerts instead?
Would it not be safer to keep your insulin with you but in a bag which can take cold packs which can be put in the freezer as you could then monitor the temperature of your bag with the devise you mention.
Would it not be safer to keep your insulin with you but in a bag which can take cold packs which can be put in the freezer as you could then monitor the temperature of your bag with the devise you mention.
For a holiday, yes, but when I travel I go for 3-6 months at a time and therefore need to carry insulin supplies and other fridge medications for this time and can't realistically keep them with me at all times out of the fridge when I am hiking or sleeping and doing trips out. I therefore rely on the hostels that I stay at storing my insulin bag (except the pens I am using at the time) in the fridge for me which has worked thus far except for that one occasion.
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