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New Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
I've just been given to readings of 57 and 58, so a nurse as phoned saying I have to attend a diabetes meeting st the surgery next week.
I have 2 questions
1 would you take any medication for this level
2 I'm not sure how often a surgery checks your blood, but if you wanted to check your own what are the best machines looming at threads 58 is about 9 in the other readings, which units do home test kits measure?
I've just been given to readings of 57 and 58, so a nurse as phoned saying I have to attend a diabetes meeting st the surgery next week.
I have 2 questions
1 would you take any medication for this level
2 I'm not sure how often a surgery checks your blood, but if you wanted to check your own what are the best machines looming at threads 58 is about 9 in the other readings, which units do home test kits measure?
I think that NICE guidelines are for a single medication to be prescribed at that level, usually Metformin. However, you might be able to persuade your DN to give lifestyle changes a chance first.

HbA1c is based on your average BG levels over the previous 10-12 week period and is measured in mmol/mol, the IFCC standard. Finger prick testers measure in mmol/L but since they are a moment-in-time measure you would need an awful lot of them to make any meaningful comparison with HbA1c.

I use a Gluco RX Q but that was given to me by my surgery. Others will be able to advise on other options.

Welcome to the Forum.
Many who are Type 2 will not get a monitor prescribed, some are lucky so they do self fund and so the cost of the test strips is important. The GlucoNavii, TEE2 and Contour Blue are ones with the cheaper strips, cheaper on line than at the pharmacy usually.
I would hope that you will be given the opportunity to make some lifestyle changes before going on medication but it does need commitment on your part to do so.
Many do find a low carb approach successful so you may want to look at this link for information and ideas for making changes
Low carb is suggested as no more than 130g carbs not just sugar per day, it is not NO carbs.
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