Measuring Insulin/Glucose without needles?

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Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Is there a way to measure my glucose levels with out the use of needles?

I am really afraid of needles and am not able to sure what solutions are available.
Short answer, and the one you did not want to hear, is no. There is a lot of hype going on at the moment about "watches" that will do it but don't hold your breath, it is just hype. One day somebody might figure out a way of getting reliable estimates of blood glucose without puncturing the skin but its a long way off in my opinion.
The lancets used for taking a finger prick test are really NOT needles as people normally think of them. The are enclosed in the device so you do not see it when you prick and will hurt far less than even a paper cut.
You could ask for your nurse to demonstrate using one so you can see just how easy it is. Nothing like having a blood sample taken from your arm.
Or you could get a monitor like freestle libre or dexcom, but you would normally have to check via fingerprick if blood sugars low. Are you on medication that causes hypos?
Yes, inserting a monitor technically incolves a needle but you don't really feel it, and don't see it )unless you go out of your way to)
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