Measles cases double in two weeks in Neath and Swansea

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Admin (Retired)
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
The number of cases of measles in an outbreak in Neath and Swansea has more than doubled in the last two weeks.

Public Health Wales (PHW) renewed its call for parents to urgently get their children vaccinated to stop the disease spreading.

PHW said it was "very frustrated" with cases reaching 36 since early October.

The latest outbreak comes less than four months after Wales' biggest measles outbreak ended - centred on the same area with 1,200 suspected cases.
.... so clearly they haven't found Measles Mair yet .......

Don't babies have MMR now? I thought all the hype against it was scotched a good while ago?
Don't babies have MMR now? I thought all the hype against it was scotched a good while ago?

It was, but it takes a long time to build up trust again and, while the scare was on, far fewer kids were immunised. Which means they're all at risk now. Unless of course their parents had the sense to at least get them the individual vaccines. That in itself was no easy task as many doctors wouldn't do it on the NHS and folk would have had to pay the full price.
Babies who have been immunised are fine, and herd immunity will increase again in time, but meanwhile older children whose parents were hoodwinked by the scare are unprotected. There'a massive catch-up going on - but it's too late for many. Let's hope none die or suffer brain damage.

My brother fell victim to the late 70s whooping cough vaccine scare, caught it and suffered some lung damage.
Well LeeLee, I can only quote a friend of my sister, who remarried and had another baby when her first ones were in their teens. They'd both had their MMR no probs but when she took the youngest one she was so scared whether she was doing the right thing she made her husband take him in while she sat in the car and cried.

After all - the Thalidomide thing happened when ladies of her age were having their children and look how bad that turned out.

And that damned doctor was so convinced and convincing at the time.

But hell that baby must be 25 now if he's a day, so you'd think his generation would know it was OK to have their kids vaccinated.
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