MDI and libre

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
I am on holiday and my pump has broken. There are no replacements available. I have my pens and libre 1 with me. The reader for the libre is dead and I don’t have the charger with me. If I download Libre link can I use my phone with a libre 1
A USB phone charger will work to charge the Libre reader if that is all you need and could probably be picked up anywhere in most countries if you don't have one with you. Not sure about using a phone with Libre 1 as I have always used the reader..... just reaching for my Libre 1 handbook and glasses..... bear with me...
I wouldn't suggest using any old cable, cables are designed to charge the device it is supplied with and using an unofficial cable can cause damage to the unit which then means if there was a problem they wouldn't have to replace it as it could be due to the wrong cable being used and Abbott are very strict at suggesting the use of only the supplied cable

Yes you can use the app on your L1 sensor

Enjoy your holiday xx
Can't find anything about using a phone in my Libre 1 user manual, but then it came with the reader and is mostly all about the reader..... Ah I see @Kaylz has already sorted that question. I use a normal phone charger all the time for my reader with no problems. I keep the Libre charger cable with my computer for downloading the data to my PC.
I am on holiday and my pump has broken. There are no replacements available. I have my pens and libre 1 with me. The reader for the libre is dead and I don’t have the charger with me. If I download Libre link can I use my phone with a libre 1
Yes, as long as your phone has NFC, the app should start and read your new Libre 1 sensor.
A micro USB to USB cable should be fine to recharge your Libre reader. Care needs to be taken with cables for something with higher power such as a laptop and some phones but for lower power/amp devices such as a Libre reader, a standard cable is fine.
But, otherwise the LibreLink app is great as long as your phone has NFC and it is switched on.
I used always preferred to use the app with my Libre - it's one less thing to carry around (and lose).

Sorry you have problems with your pump. Why do they never fail at a convenient time?
I do use the pretty yellow cable to charge my reader at home, but when away in the moho just use a normal phone charging cable via the 12v circuit. The Libre 1 reader didn't malfunction and neither has the Libre 2 one.
Got cables & chargers all over place forget which charges which, as long as it fits device just use any & never had any issues so far.
I think just to charge something a phone cable should be fine, it’s if you’re transferring data that you should use the one it came with as they aren’t all the same. Also, the plug which comes with the Libre reader is only 0.5A which isn’t enough to charge phones and laptops etc (they typically need 1.5-2A and the Libre one would overheat). Going the other way and using a phone plug to charge the Libre should be fine as it will only draw as many amps as it needs and the voltage is all the same for USB chargers. That’s what my dad told me anyway and he was an electrical engineer 🙂
Looks like your questions have been answered @SB2015 - I hope you enjoy the rest of your holiday. What happened to your pump?o_O
Thanks for all the help. I managed to link my Libre 1 to my phone and continued through the holiday with MDI. Hats off to those of you that use that all the time. I certainly realised just how rusty I was on doing that and just how much my pump and sensor is doing for me. I kept looking for my pump to check things, forgot that I had to do a BG, had to work out my own corrections, Dealing with DPP. A good revision and good to have a practice after so many years in a pump. I was back to the Himalayas rather than Lakeland Fells on the Libre.

I realise that some of the weird things on my pump before I went away were leading up to this Failure.
New pump now set up and running and just waiting until tomorrow before I can go back into the closed loop system (The pump needs a couple of days to get to know me before it is ready to take in its full responsibilities)

Thanks again for the help.
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