May contain self pity and ranting.

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Well, today started off well but about midday it degenerated at work. Seeing as a load of the PA's (pathology assistants) we have were off sick I was drafted into reception to help out. It seems that keeping blood tubes in a numerical order is nigh on impossible. I might add I was only given the equivalent of the back of a fag packet training. Then when I got back after my lunch break I dropped a clanger. That sort of time is when we get most of our work in from the GP surgeries that depend on my lab. It's about sixty percent that comes from the GP's. I'm just wound up that I managed to let my team down. I mean it's just so bloody annoying. Seems all I am half decent at is loading a variety of analysers. Not that it takes much to uncap bottles. A trained chimp could do it better than I can. Granted my colleagues were lovely about it as I am very much the new boy and didn't have the experience or training for it but I still feel that I was creating extra work that we didn't need.

To cap it all off it just so happens to be the day when something I really love and usually keeps me a little chirpy and laughing made me go down memory lane and now has me missing my Dad the worst that I have for a long time now. I mean usually an episode or four of MASH keeps me happy and lets me zone out. However, this one as I believe was the last episode to be filmed. It's the two hour one where you start with Hawkeye in a psychiatric hospital and you go through the events that brought him there. You also see BJ trying to get home but being brought back to the 4077th. I mean why does what I really like have to have a sting in it's tail? One hell of a day. I'm sat here trying to stave off the tears but I don't think it'll happen.
Hey Tom,

Sorry you're having a bad day, I know how it feels when it creeps up on you :(

Keep you're chin up Hun, although they make you sad try and keep the happy memories coming. Being sad just shows how much your dad meant to you.

Don't worry too much about the work clanger! We all do it, it's what keeps it interesting 🙂


Yeah dito Tom,

Sorry things have been bad. I 'muck' up at work all the time and you have been through such a rough time.

Big hugs Tom xx
Tom, don't worry about mucking up at work, we all do it sometimes, even those of us who have been in the same job for ages.

Sorry to hear you ate really missing your dad, could you go and talk to your mum or sister and have a good cry, sometimes it is what is needed

Thinking of you Rx
Hi Tom,

Sorry you've had a bad day. When I have a bad day, my friends often remind me of the quote from Les Miserables: "He who does not weep, does not sleep" -- it's okay to have a bad day, and maybe have a cry. Once you have, you usually see everything more clearly. I hope you have a better day tomorrow.

Vicki 🙂
I'm probably going to get myself down to see my former housemaster from college. I'v never used this phrase before but he was, whilst I was there, very much as second father. That was really reinforced when he came to Dad's cremation and just wrapped me up in a massive hug when I just went to pieces because I couldn't put it into words how much it meant to me seeing him there.


Thanks for that. I tell you with today's antics at work I doubt I'll have trouble with sleeping. As for Les Miserables, well, can you hear the people sing? Or would drink with me be a a better suggestion?

Hi Tom, sorry you had such a bad day, we all have them and we all drop clangers or put our foot in it, sometimes I go the whole hog and put both feet in it.

Never do it in public, but I do find a good bawl from time to time helps heaps, real people do cry. Consider it a saftey valve for relieving stress....
Hi Tom, sorry you are going through a bad time. As to work, it sounds as if the others have forgiven you so now you have to do the same. I get the feeling you are being much tougher on yourself than they are. So, learn from the mistake, resolve not to do that mistake again and move on.

As to missing people, proves we are human and that person was a big, big part of our lives. It is allowed to miss them and we keep their memory alive by remembering them.

M*A*S*H - have not watched for years - used to love it!
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