Masters Online Study Recruitment: Experiences of stereotyping and wellbeing among Black women with Type 2 Diabetes

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I am Amen, a Masters student at Surrey University. I am currently completing a course in Health Psychology. I have received permission to post about my study here, and would really appreciate anyone who is able to to complete my online survey. Even if you may not meet the criteria for it, please feel free to share it and pass on to anyone you may know who fits the criteria.

The study has received ethical approval by my university's Ethics Committee, and the details are below. If you have any questions feel free to contact me on here, or by e-mail on

I know this is a difficult time for everyone, so I hope you are all keeping safe!
Thank you!

Study Link:


What will happen to me if I decide to take part?
If you decide to take part, you will be provided with this information sheet to keep and will be asked to give your consent to confirm your agreement to participate. We will then give you access to an anonymous online survey that will ask questions about yourself and your experiences of stereotyping in healthcare, self-care practices and experiences of distress.

It will take approximately 15-20 minutes to complete the survey. All data will only be available to myself and the supervisors involved in this study.

I know this is a difficult time for everyone, so I hope you are all keeping safe! I am Amen, a Masters student at Surrey University. I am currently completing a course in Health Psychology. I have received permission to post about my study here, and would really appreciate anyone who is able to to complete my online survey. Even if you may not meet the criteria for it, please feel free to share it and pass on to anyone you may know who fits the criteria.

The study has received ethical approval by my university's Ethics Committee, and the details are below. If you have any questions feel free to contact me on here, or by e-mail on

Thank you for your time!

Study Link:


What will happen to me if I decide to take part?
If you decide to take part, you will be provided with this information sheet to keep and will be asked to give your consent to confirm your agreement to participate. We will then give you access to an anonymous online survey that will ask questions about yourself and your experiences of stereotyping in healthcare, self-care practices and experiences of distress.

It will take approximately 15-20 minutes to complete the survey. All data will only be available to myself and the supervisors involved in this study.
It has been approved. Please help out if you can.
Welcome to the forum Amen.
Have you received ethics approval for your study.
You would need this before it is posted, so I have referred it to the moderators.
Welcome to the forum Amen.
Have you received ethics approval for your study.
You would need this before it is posted, so I have referred it to the moderators.

Hi, thank you for the welcome! I have received ethics approval, and have received approval from forum moderators to post here as well

Thank you
That great. Sorry I probably missed the notification.
I hope that you get a good response.
Sorry Josh.
I should have checked my list the other way round before referring this one back.
I have apologised to Amen.
Although I'm fairly certain EDUAD won't mind the inference that he's more 'hole'y than righteous, what a belting mistake by Spellchecker that 'Amen' (should be 'Admin' of course) is! LOL
Although I'm fairly certain EDUAD won't mind the inference that he's more 'hole'y than righteous, what a belting mistake by Spellchecker that 'Amen' (should be 'Admin' of course) is! LOL
Amen is the OP 🙂
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