Mashed Potato

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Going to attempt my first meal with mashed potato tomorrow evening. It always caused me problems on MDI so no doubt it will do the same on the pump. But armed with this gadget I'm going to face my fear and knock it on the head! Any advice on how I should do it? I have tried a Dual Wave for weetabix with some success but as I'm not used to these new ways of delivering a bolus I'm unsure. thanks
We normally just do a straight bolus for mashed potato as it works as quick as glucose! If he having it on its own we would bolus 10 minutes before. But if its with something fatty or slow release we just do it a minute or two before eating - but dont need a dual wave for it - you could give the % for the potato and then a dual wave for the rest of the meal depending on what it is your eating. If you add butter and milk to the mash it will delay absorption. Hope you enjoy it and let us know the results.🙂Bev
Thanks Bev, I'm having it with chicken & veg so I will do a normal bolus and see how I go through the evening. Next challenge is rice, but not yet!! Cheers
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