Many questions

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Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Hi all,
I was diagnosed in November with very high reading s, been tested for type one but I’m not, definitely type two, all I’ve really had is a pleasant dr who said you can live with this and don’t panic (he meant well) a positive nurse session then a non positive nurse session (three months after diagnosis), I am and was very physically active, windsurf/surf and sup everyday, no wind or surf gym or pool, and several miles with my dog each day all before work!
I’ve taken this very seriously I want to be around a long time I’m only 47 this year, even though very fit, I lost five stone, changed my diet completely and I’m now on one metformin and my last hbac1 was 38, after this ramble my one question is such, all my blood tests are listed as borderline no further action, which the second nurse explained they weren’t concerned or worried by any of them, but I noticed my egfr is 83, which although nothing has been said to me, has concerned me, should I be, can I keep it going lower? My bp is perfect now, sugar control good, anyway sorry for the ramble, but I’d welcome anyone’s knowledge
Hi all,
I was diagnosed in November with very high reading s, been tested for type one but I’m not, definitely type two, all I’ve really had is a pleasant dr who said you can live with this and don’t panic (he meant well) a positive nurse session then a non positive nurse session (three months after diagnosis), I am and was very physically active, windsurf/surf and sup everyday, no wind or surf gym or pool, and several miles with my dog each day all before work!
I’ve taken this very seriously I want to be around a long time I’m only 47 this year, even though very fit, I lost five stone, changed my diet completely and I’m now on one metformin and my last hbac1 was 38, after this ramble my one question is such, all my blood tests are listed as borderline no further action, which the second nurse explained they weren’t concerned or worried by any of them, but I noticed my egfr is 83, which although nothing has been said to me, has concerned me, should I be, can I keep it going lower? My bp is perfect now, sugar control good, anyway sorry for the ramble, but I’d welcome anyone’s knowledge
HI, welcome to the forum and well done on your weight loss and for getting your HbA1c into normal range. Hopefully, if you can keep it there, they'll let you drop the Metformin.

For the record my last two eGFRs were both in the 60s but, taking account of my age, my GP doesn't seem concerned. After doing some research I read that the four things that are bad for kidney health are high BG, high BP, too much dietary salt and overdoing protein. My BG and BP are normal but I do manage my salt and protein intake.
Hi all,
I was diagnosed in November with very high reading s, been tested for type one but I’m not, definitely type two, all I’ve really had is a pleasant dr who said you can live with this and don’t panic (he meant well) a positive nurse session then a non positive nurse session (three months after diagnosis), I am and was very physically active, windsurf/surf and sup everyday, no wind or surf gym or pool, and several miles with my dog each day all before work!
I’ve taken this very seriously I want to be around a long time I’m only 47 this year, even though very fit, I lost five stone, changed my diet completely and I’m now on one metformin and my last hbac1 was 38, after this ramble my one question is such, all my blood tests are listed as borderline no further action, which the second nurse explained they weren’t concerned or worried by any of them, but I noticed my egfr is 83, which although nothing has been said to me, has concerned me, should I be, can I keep it going lower? My bp is perfect now, sugar control good, anyway sorry for the ramble, but I’d welcome anyone’s knowledge
Well done on your fantastic weight loss, are you now where you want to be.
egfr seems as to regarded as normal if over 90 but over 60 if there is no other indication of kidney issues but if you are concerned then have a word with your GP.
Your HbA1C is normal so you should be pleased, anything under 42 mmol/mol is normal.
Hi both, yes I’m very pleased, no the drs have not made any mention of concern s, as I say I’ve taken this very seriously, I’ve got my next review in June, so I was just picking peoples brains, goggle is not overly my friend I’m a born worry’er
You have got me worried now after looking at this: Need to see if any of my blood tests include eFGR and uACR levels.
Don’t forget that eFGR declines with age, and also that it’s an estimate, not an absolute measure. You can have normal kidney function if it’s less than 90 but above 60 and your creatinine levels are normal. Mine have been fluctuating for years, sometimes they’re in the 60s, sometimes they actually go up.
My results always appear on my online Patient Access or NHS app, and they’ve never been flagged for attention.
My CKD has fluctuated between bottom of Stage 2 and top of 3a for at least 10 years - they seem to treat Stages 1 and 2 as so common as to be 'normal', presumably depending on age and other measures. It is only mentioned at Review when it dips into 3a.
If you had an issue then surely your GP would have told you?
We have just changed surgeries due to such questions. Not yet able to see my test results on the NHS App again. Don't think anything's amiss. Thanks.
My eGFR is just below 20, but my renal consultant says that that he wouldn't put me on dialysis unless it goes to about 10...

We have just changed surgeries due to such questions. Not yet able to see my test results on the NHS App again. Don't think anything's amiss. Thanks.
In my case, I only get the blood/urine results to appear on the NHS App (online website for me) if they were instigated by my GP. If a consultant initiates the tests, it can be very hard for the patient to get hold of the results, certainly in a timely manner.
Answer: get the GP to initiate the tests required by the consultant, to be copied to the consultant!
Hi all,
I was diagnosed in November with very high reading s, been tested for type one but I’m not, definitely type two, all I’ve really had is a pleasant dr who said you can live with this and don’t panic (he meant well) a positive nurse session then a non positive nurse session (three months after diagnosis), I am and was very physically active, windsurf/surf and sup everyday, no wind or surf gym or pool, and several miles with my dog each day all before work!
I’ve taken this very seriously I want to be around a long time I’m only 47 this year, even though very fit, I lost five stone, changed my diet completely and I’m now on one metformin and my last hbac1 was 38, after this ramble my one question is such, all my blood tests are listed as borderline no further action, which the second nurse explained they weren’t concerned or worried by any of them, but I noticed my egfr is 83, which although nothing has been said to me, has concerned me, should I be, can I keep it going lower? My bp is perfect now, sugar control good, anyway sorry for the ramble, but I’d welcome anyone’s knowledge
While your kidney function is not alarming there is no time like the present to start taking care of them. Left to their own devices you won't get another chance to keep what function you're kidneys have now. I went on a kidney friendly diet and managed to push them back up a little. Kidney function is age related declining as we get older. The biggest change I made was to stop all foods or drinks with sugar substitutes in, as most contain aspartame which will affect the kidneys. Natural sugars like Stevia are better for you. In reality normal sugar is far better than the substitutes on kidneys. Wish I hadn't gone to substitutes when I was diagnosed with T2.
Like you, my Dr's never worried about my health and now I'm paying the price for their ho hum approach. I'm T2 with a range of Bg from 12 to 19.5, hit 19.5 last evening which was a huge shock, GFR 38, Bp running at 175/110 average and stuck with a serious dose of IBS which limits what I can ingest. But I'm OK apparently listening to my DR's. Only trouble is I'm now diagnosed with Autonomic Polyneuropathy and just plain old Polyneuropathy and never a "sorry". Might I also add I'm also to blame for my predicament from not heeding my own warning signs. I now demand the care they should have provided me earlier and tell them what I want done.
Take it from someone who has thrashed his body since he could walk, we need to be more mindful of our bodies and what doesn't help. It's too late for me but you have time on your side, don't waste the warnings results you are getting. The body is trying to tell you something.
My mother-in-law has a GFR18 is 94 and still survives without any kidney help from anyone. Never had any renal help or instructions and battles on.
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