Many nurses 'feel discouraged' from raising care concerns

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Admin (Retired)
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Type 1
Many nurses believe the NHS has a culture that discourages staff from raising concerns about patient care, a survey suggests.

Almost 30% of 800 nurses polled by Nursing Times magazine said being seen as a troublemaker was the biggest barrier to them speaking out.

Inaction by managers was cited as a barrier by 23%.

The government said it had taken measures to support whistle-blowers and was considering further action.

Some 84% of respondents to the poll said they had raised concerns about a colleague's practice or attitude.

A total of 23% of the nurses said they had done so "several times" or "regularly", and 23% "at least once".

But of those who had raised concerns, 52% said there had been no appropriate outcome after they had spoken out and a similar percentage said they had faced negative consequences as a result of doing so.
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