Manx children getting fatter - and dozens have diabetes

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Admin (Retired)
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
THE launch of the Isle of Man government?s plan to tackle the population?s increasing weight this week revealed the shocking figure that one in five of the island?s reception class aged children are overweight or obese.

Almost 20 per cent of Manx four- to five-year-olds are above the ?healthy weight? category, including 7.1 per cent considered obese.

The Health and Lifestyle Survey, conducted in 2009, also reported that 50.4 per cent of adults were overweight, with 15.9 per cent being obese.

The figures put the island on a par with the worst areas of the UK, itself one of the heaviest nations in Europe.

Really? Dozens of children with T2? :confused:
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