Manual or automatic

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Is it better to manually input bg readings into say MySugr or have them automatically upload via Bluetooth to an app paired with your bg meter.

I have been doing both since I started using my new meter True Metrix which has it's own app (I also have a notebook with my readings as paper record) However I am having second thoughts about the latter and wonder if I should stick with manual input re my MySugr plus my paper record?
It sounds like you’re obsessing about things again. Why do you need your bg readings in MySugr, as well as in another app, and as well as in a notebook.

If you really do need them in 3 places then it really doesn’t matter how you get them there.
It sounds like you’re obsessing about things again. Why do you need your bg readings in MySugr, as well as in another app, and as well as in a notebook.

If you really do need them in 3 places then it really doesn’t matter how you get them there.
I wasn't going to reply but I have just to say no I'm not obsessing again whether you believe that is up to you.
I wasn't going to reply but I have just to say no I'm not obsessing again whether you believe that is up to you.
You’re keeping logs of your blood sugars in 3 different places and asking for advice on the best way to enter bgs in the 3rd app, all whilst not actually acting on the results as you’ve always said the results and your diet are good. That is obsessing.
I disagree. Maybe I should have phrased the question better then again maybe I shouldn't have bothered posting in the first place.
Is it better to manually input bg readings into say MySugr or have them automatically upload via Bluetooth to an app paired with your bg meter.

I have been doing both since I started using my new meter True Metrix which has it's own app (I also have a notebook with my readings as paper record) However I am having second thoughts about the latter and wonder if I should stick with manual input re my MySugr plus my paper record?

I personally stick to one app to manually input data. I found it easier than messing about with the Bluetooth with my meter.
& when I have appointments with a DSN, they seem to want to upload the meter data from the USB.
Work with what is easiest for you.
Is it better to manually input bg readings into say MySugr or have them automatically upload via Bluetooth to an app paired with your bg meter.
Better in what sense? If you (or your healthcare team) particularly like MySugr then maybe using that is better. If there's some app that can connect to your BG meter, and the app's good enough for what you want, then maybe that's better. If the app can connect with MySugr then the only question is (I guess) how easy it all is to connect up. (Maybe doing it manually is just easier than using Bluetooth.)

(There can be reasons for doing things manually (there can be value in copying notes by hand rather than photocopying in terms of remembering and understanding), but I'm not sure that any of them apply to this.)

Those all feel like questions that'll depend on details that you have that we don't. I don't think there's any general reasons for preferring one method to another, beyond doing what's easiest (because something that's irritating will tend to be something that doesn't get done).
Is it better to manually input bg readings into say MySugr or have them automatically upload via Bluetooth to an app paired with your bg meter.

I have been doing both since I started using my new meter True Metrix which has it's own app (I also have a notebook with my readings as paper record) However I am having second thoughts about the latter and wonder if I should stick with manual input re my MySugr plus my paper record?
Decide what suits you. There is no right way to record results, just what works for you. Thus may change with time. I know my system did.
I’ve had lots of different logging options over the years - and really there isn’t ever a right or wrong answer.

Lots of devices have their own mechanisms and software- but I’ve not really bothered about that unless it have me something else that my general logs (which I made manually in mySugr for years) didn’t.

I certainly wouldn’t keep 3 separate systems running in tandem if they all more or less overlapped.

More recently (since moving to tSlim) I realised I wasn‘t acting on my mySugr logs in the same way as I previously had, and actually was getting as much information as I needed from Dexcom clarity (time in range, and percentages of time spent at various levels) - so I stopped manually logging all together.

For me it’s about having the information I need to make adjustments to my diabetes management - and to get that information with as little effort as possible 🙂
I use Contour devices & Apple phones. Their app adds readings to Apple health and mySugr picks them up automatically.

I don't really use mySugr, but occasionally look at it as it gives an estimated hba1c (Current 33, which I expect to be way lower than it will be - probably in the 40s, as it seems way, way out!)

I have a TrueMetrix meter as well (A bluetooth one) but don't think they linked to Apple health. (It's supposed to be a good reader with fairly high levels of accuracy, but the strips are expensive - I switched to a Contour Plus with strips that are half the price! It helped that the reader was free.)
I use Contour devices & Apple phones. Their app adds readings to Apple health and mySugr picks them up automatically.

I don't really use mySugr, but occasionally look at it as it gives an estimated hba1c (Current 33, which I expect to be way lower than it will be - probably in the 40s, as it seems way, way out!)

I have a TrueMetrix meter as well (A bluetooth one) but don't think they linked to Apple health. (It's supposed to be a good reader with fairly high levels of accuracy, but the strips are expensive - I switched to a Contour Plus with strips that are half the price! It helped that the reader was free.)
I had a Fine Test Lite meter from my GP practice but as I'm type 2 not on insulin or hypo causing medication and because I choose to test I am unlikely to get the strips on prescription ( have to put request in writing and no guarantee of approval).

Due to the above I chose True Metrix Air as I could get the strips over the counter in Boots or I can get them online- I had a choice which I didn't with the Fine Test Lite strips which I had to buy online.

I started using MySugr sometime ago and I can't get out of the habit especially now my True Metrix Air meter syncs via Bluetooth to the app. My written record is in case I lose data on the apps so I can input them manually (a back up if you like)

Thanks for your reply though made me feel better.
I started using MySugr sometime ago and I can't get out of the habit especially now my True Metrix Air meter syncs via Bluetooth to the app. My written record is in case I lose data on the apps so I can input them manually (a back up if you like)

Thanks for your reply though made me feel better.

It’s a long time since I tried out Mysugr. (Personally didn’t like it.) Is it not possible to back up data to an online account?
Some apps do annoyingly “overwrite” old data. I’ve just spent a while scrolling back to the end of 2020 with my phone app. (Just out of curiosity.) looks like I could have “time traveled further.”
The app is called “Diabox” if this helps. An account linked through my email address & I can synch with the same app also on my tablet device too.

It’s a long time since I tried out Mysugr. (Personally didn’t like it.) Is it not possible to back up data to an online account?
Some apps do annoyingly “overwrite” old data. I’ve just spent a while scrolling back to the end of 2020 with my phone app. (Just out of curiosity.) looks like I could have “time traveled further.”
The app is called “Diabox” if this helps. An account linked through my email address & I can synch with the same app also on my tablet device too.
Don't know tbh. The only thing I don't like is you can't change a reading on True Metrix app unless you have manually input it. I like having a written record though. I assume the number in the circle on the Metrix app is the estimated HbA1c which currently is 7.4 (as you can see) whereas MySugr app is 6.1.

I will add that there's a time gap where I didn't test hence didn't input any readings so it may not be accurate on MySugr compared to the True Metrix Air app which I have only used since 16l4 when I obtained the meter.

Regards MySugr I uploaded the app to my current phone and deleted it from the old phone. I expected to have lost previous data but I hadn't. Even if I stop using MySugr I wouldn't get rid of it as it shows data from when I first started using the app.

Yes I know I don't really need 3 methods but at the moment it suits me personally


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Don't know tbh. The only thing I don't like is you can't change a reading on True Metrix app unless you have manually input it. I like having a written record though. I assume the number in the circle on the Metrix app is the estimated HbA1c which currently is 7.4 (as you can see) whereas MySugr app is 6.1.

I will add that there's a time gap where I didn't test hence didn't input any readings so it may not be accurate on MySugr compared to the True Metrix Air app which I have only used since 16l4 when I obtained the meter.

Regards MySugr I uploaded the app to my current phone and deleted it from the old phone. I expected to have lost previous data but I hadn't. Even if I stop using MySugr I wouldn't get rid of it as it shows data from when I first started using the app.

Yes I know I don't really need 3 methods but at the moment it suits me personally
I'm not sure it is as the units are mmol/l whereas your HbA1C would be mmol/mol or %. Maybe check your manual for what the number refers to.
That value is an average of all the readings.
I'm not sure the True Metrix app does a hba1c estimate.
Don't know tbh. The only thing I don't like is you can't change a reading on True Metrix app unless you have manually input it. I like having a written record though. I assume the number in the circle on the Metrix app is the estimated HbA1c which currently is 7.4 (as you can see) whereas MySugr app is 6.1.

I will add that there's a time gap where I didn't test hence didn't input any readings so it may not be accurate on MySugr compared to the True Metrix Air app which I have only used since 16l4 when I obtained the meter.

Regards MySugr I uploaded the app to my current phone and deleted it from the old phone. I expected to have lost previous data but I hadn't. Even if I stop using MySugr I wouldn't get rid of it as it shows data from when I first started using the app.

Yes I know I don't really need 3 methods but at the moment it suits me personally
These HbA1c calculations are are only as good as the data they have to work on.
I am adverse to logging it in the old fashioned way (paper.) after years as a kid & teen logging pee tests & then blood.
HCPs at the time I was at the clinics only perused a couple of pages with disinterest. (Only marginally less interested than I was after months of data.) picking up on one random low & telling me to eat more carbs.
Thank you mobile devices.

I have 3 methods running in tandem regarding my sensor.🙂

Do what works for you that keeps you engaged with your personal management.
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