Managed 7.2 today and feeling better every day!

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Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Feeling pleased with myself as today I got the lowest blood sugar reading since
being diagnosed. So there is light at the end of this long tunnel!! I know that my
diet has changed dramatically and I'm exercising more but if you'd have told me
there was hope that I'd get this beast under control I would have doubted it!
Am feeling much like my old self again. Trouble is I realise that I've got to work
at it to keep it that way....Oh well they do say "no pain no gain"!
Kathy xx🙂
Feeling pleased with myself as today I got the lowest blood sugar reading since
being diagnosed. So there is light at the end of this long tunnel!! I know that my
diet has changed dramatically and I'm exercising more but if you'd have told me
there was hope that I'd get this beast under control I would have doubted it!
Am feeling much like my old self again. Trouble is I realise that I've got to work
at it to keep it that way....Oh well they do say "no pain no gain"!
Kathy xx🙂

That's excellent kathy! Well done! And it will become part of your lifestyle, and you will be encouraged with every improvement!🙂
Well done Kathy :D keep up the good work !!!!! I'm soooo jealous lol
Well done Kathy! Any reduction is a moving in the right way - so keep it going - but dont forget to give yourself a little treat now and again! 🙂 Bev
Well done, and yes have a treat sometimes too.
weirdly i have also managed 7.2 today have ever been lower then 8 since feb
Well done Kathy and Steff! Give yourselves a pat on the back :D
good news for Kathy and steff! well done to you both 🙂
Its soooo great when you get a rap on those numbers and you can really feel a sense of achievement! Great work, everyone on here knows the work it takes and the persistance- it doesnt come easy to anyone and its starting to pay off for you both. Congrats x
ty vanessa i am , yeah sugar im getting single figure reading 90% of the time now so feel better about it, still gettng the odd hyper now and again though
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