Man hit by trolley in Bromley Glades M&S 'row' critical

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Admin (Retired)
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
A man is critically ill after being hit by a trolley during an alleged row at a Marks and Spencer store.

The 60-year-old man suffered a broken hip and wrist during the incident at The Glades shopping centre in Bromley, south-east London, on 22 December.

He subsequently suffered further health complications and remains critically ill in hospital.

A 30-year-old woman arrested on suspicion of grievous bodily harm was released on bail until 29 January.

Whatever next? :(
Hope he recovers Have heard of road rage now trolley rage Hmm
A woman had a go at me with a trolly years ago in Safeway's carpark in Kidder after my empty one merely touched her rear bumper as I took the last 2 heavy carriers out to bung in my boot.

I was still saying Oh sheet and was bending down inspecting it to see if I'd scratched it as she bore down upon my person apparently intent on using her full one as a battering ram. I never even saw her rushing across the carpark but fortunately there was a Security Guard walking past at the time who stopped her in full flow and pointed out the error of her ways, he also took my trolley and kept her at bay and he told me to skedaddle so I did, gratefully.

I hadn't even marked it which was fortunate but Phew, all you need on a Friday night after a hectic week at work, innit?
In the dim and distant past I used to make railway trollies for a living! 🙂
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