Making progress

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Active Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Hi everyone. I was diagnosed type 2 just over a week ago. I had hba1c of 135 and blood glucose reading of 24.2. It was all quite a shock but I’ve done all I can to get off to a good start.
Blood glucose today for the first time went under 10. Super pleased as I’ve worked really hard at keeping carbs low and lost half a stone.
Hoping to get BG down to normal ranges asap.
Hi everyone. I was diagnosed type 2 just over a week ago. I had hba1c of 135 and blood glucose reading of 24.2. It was all quite a shock but I’ve done all I can to get off to a good start.
Blood glucose today for the first time went under 10. Super pleased as I’ve worked really hard at keeping carbs low and lost half a stone.
Hoping to get BG down to normal ranges asap.
Well done with that weight loss, that should be helping, however don't be in too much of a rush to bring your glucose level down as doing it gradually will be less likely to give you issues with your eyes and nerves which can happen in some people when blood glucose drops rapidly. I know it is easy to become impatient and indeed your level was very high so it is looking good that you are seeing much lower level.
Glad to hear your efforts are showing progress already @MrBuzz

Keep going! Slow and steady wins the race 🙂
Well don!
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