Major rant alert!

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Following my hospital appt yesterday I got myself into a bit of a state last night. Crying on bf's shoulder, major woah is me/ why does my body not work properly/ whats going to be next moment.

Went to bed at 13.2, didnt correct because i wanted to see what my basal was doing, woke up at 3.0?????

I fail to understand how the same basal can hold you within 0.2mmols one night then drop you by 10 another?! Diabetes really doesnt play fair.
Burst into tears again, abandoned going to work and have been sat under my duvet in front of the tv ever since.

I dont want another lifelong condition, i dont want to take tablets every day. Why has this happened just when i was starting to really feel ok about my diabetes and like i was finally getting somewhere.

Ok so hypothyroidism isnt a horrendous condition but its still another label i dont want. Its another thing to "declare" when asked if you take any medication, its another thing to carry around in my kit in case, god forbid, i decide to stay out past bed time at 25!

God im so annoyed. I feel like such a burden to Brad and my Mum. All i seem to do is give them cause to worry. I feel depressed but now i dont know if thats actual feelings or hypothyroid symptoms! 😡😡


Its taken me all day to write that. Im sorry im being so pathetic over this, it just feel like such a punch in the stomach.
You're not being pathetic at all. You've just been kicked while you're down and it's not fair, so it's only too understandable that you should be upset and depressed by the news. A duvet day is exactly what you need, spoil yourself a bit and then get up tomorrow, hold up two fingers to fate and start fighting back. Oh and a good rant is an excellent idea, I hope it helped.
Not fair is true! Well done on getting this rant out even if it has taken you all day. Hope the duvet day was good.

You're not being pathetic at all.

Hope you pick yourself up soon.

Take care

Viki dont ever feel like your being pathetic in here hun , nobody would ever think that im pleased you feel you can share the bad times with us as well as the good,sometimes we all need to let off steam and this s the perfect place x , the duvet day sounds good and i hope it has helped hun xx
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ohhh viki dont worry about to get it out...and WE ALL do it...and then pick ourselves up and carry on for it taking all day...i m like that after a good rant and cry, the brain goes totally you've done the right thing ...had a duvet day...lovely X
Viki, sorry to hear you are having a rough day. It really sucks so it's not surprising that you are feeling like this, so don't feel bad about it. I think it can be harder not knowing if you have it or not. if you knew for certain then you could find out about it and get on with facing it.

Glad to hear your boyfriend was there for you. I hope that you are feeling better and can get into work tomorrow
Not pathetic at ALL - there are people out there who rant over much less; you've every right to feel hard-done-by, and I hope that ranting and snuggling under your duvet has helped a little teeny bit.

I'm sure Brad and your mum dont' see it in the same way you do, hun - they love you cos you're Viki, and the diabetes and anything else is just a small part of Viki - there's LOADS more to you than that.

Dont think that you should feel pathetic, one problem on top of another is never easy to deal with and a duvet day is an ideal way of coping. Hypothroidism is not something that you need to get too worried about as my o/h has the same problem. Becuase the thyroxine from one pill stays in your system for a week, you don't need to worry about taking them at the same time if you do stay out late. Even to the extent that the advice given to the o/h who is notoriously rubbish at remembering to take them anyway, was if you forget them one day take two the next day. Not ideal but the GP knows that there is a limit to the miracles that will happen these days - lol
I know how you feel. Diabetes and thyroid problems both suck...having both is just not fair it's just another thing to worry about innit? I pretty much found out i had an overactive thyroid at the same time as having type 2 diabetes, and now i'm deeply distrusting of my GP coz it seems like every time i turn up at his office he's got a new and exciting diagnosis of something that's going wrong...(this month, why can't he find a pulse in my right foot?).
18 months ago i couldn't face the idea of having to take tablets everyday i'm on 4 of the buggers! (maybe i can stop the carbimazole in a year....)

Viki, please accept a verbal hug. Don't feel bad about how you feel, it's perfectly reasonable. We all need a duvet day and a good grump every so now and then

Hi Guys,

Just realised i didnt say thanks for all your messages. Managed to drag myself into work today and told my boss why i was feeling so down. He was very supportive until he asked if hyperthyroidism was also caused by my eating habits!!

Was so taken aback i didnt say all the things i should have. But i think i will definately have the "getting Diabetes was not my fault" conversation yet again next week!!

Feeling better now the weekend has arrived!

Hurray For The Weekend Hun Hope You Have A Good One Xx Hmm Naughty Boss Though Sounds Like They Need Educating
hay hun

don't feel bad. Life is tough. You didn't ask for this and it is not your fault. Rant away anytime and get it off your chest. If you OH loves you he will be a sounding board for you. I have diabetes, have had a stroke and two T.I.As which has left me with fibromyalgia and M.E 😡 I am on 32 tablets a day and some days can't even get out of bed. My wife has to do evrything for me as well as dealing with my depression. I can't walk with out crutches and need to use a wheelchair regually. Before my stroke September 2008 i was fit and healthy. I can't even work anymore. I have lost my business and my licence to drive and my indipendance. What i am trying to say is that i know how you feel. So go on and shout, cry, swear do anything to make you feel better, but don't bottle it up. If people say nasty things to you, don't blame them, they are just ignorant.

Sorry if things are misspelt as this is another fibromyalgia syptom😡

I'm sending you a big hug

Hi Dean,

Thank you so much for your message. I cant believe all you've had to go through, sounds like you and your wife have had a lot to deal with. Are all of your conditions linked? I dont know much about TIA or fibromyalgia, except that the latter is painful. :(

My OH is also amazingly supportive luckily. He got well and truly thrown in at the deep end with me as we'd only been together about 6 weeks when i was diagnosed!

evening guys. I'm another type 1 wit underactive thyroid and withoui sounding like a loon, i got referred to see a psychotherapist by my dsn and it does help! My other half tries his best but its frustrating as its more than just ' doing your injection and taking that tablet'. I don't think there is enough support on how to core with diabetes and i have never accepted it until now even though i have had it for 8 years. You're not the only one that feels the way you do so don't worry. Big hug goes out to ya x x
evening guys. I'm another type 1 wit underactive thyroid and withoui sounding like a loon, i got referred to see a psychotherapist by my dsn and it does help! My other half tries his best but its frustrating as its more than just ' doing your injection and taking that tablet'. I don't think there is enough support on how to core with diabetes and i have never accepted it until now even though i have had it for 8 years. You're not the only one that feels the way you do so don't worry. Big hug goes out to ya x x

You dont sound like a loon at all - i agree, i dont think enough people get access to services like that. I had counselling a while back for something else but spent a lot of it talking about my diagnosis and being told i was actually allowed to grieve for my life pre-diabetes, which makes a lot of sense.

What really annoys me is i think i was just really getting to grips with being diabetic and getting past the "why me", but i feel a bit like 2 steps forward 10 steps back right now!!

This place is a godsend though. Think id still be under my duvet hiding from the world otherwise!!!
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