Major hypo @ work 1.8. Made a complete fool of myself

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Title says it all. Was in a meeting with one of my bosses and took major hypo. Didn't even feel it coming on and had been talking major rubbish for about twenty minutes before hand. Boss ran out of room to get lucazade and when i finally came to my senses she was forcing me to drink lucazade. So grateful she was there and realised what was going on. I was soaking with sweat and my hair looked like i had just got out the shower. My dad came and got me and brought me home. Need to go back for car later tonight. Was in no fit state to drive. Feel i made an utter fool of myself talking about things i am unhappy about at work. No idea what i said. I am so glad it didn't happen infront of my class as they are only p1 and doubt they'd know what was going on.
Sorry to hear this Smit :( Please don't beat yourself up about it though, you shouldn't blame yourself for being a bit incoherent when your blood sugar drops like that without warning - your brain would not be functioning properly! I'm sure your boss won't hold anything against you. When you're feeling better you could have a word and maybe apologise for anything you might have said, and I'm sure she'll tell you to think nothing of it.
Do you know why you had the hypo? Poor you :( it was a good job that there was someone around you who knew what to do. How are you feeling now?
Don't feel ashamed about the incident it's not your fault that it happened and I'm sure no one will hold it against you xx
I am glad there was someone around who knew what to do, I am sure they will understand if you did say anything a bit dodgy. Hope you are feeling better now
Don't feel bad Smit, it happens to me too. I started my 'diabetes at work' thread a few days back because I had an oncoming hypo just before lunch and was a bit scatty and made a mistake. A team leader noticed the mistake and circulated an email asking who made it, I didn't know what to do. He later circulated again saying he found it odd nobody had owned up.
It is great somene was around who new what to do. I hope you are feeling better. I'm sure your boss and everyone else will understand.
hope you are feeling better xxx
Thanks everyone. Feeling loads better, although got a bit of memory loss. Was at my brothers and was trying to tell a story and was awful forgetful. I think main reason for hypo was that i was very stressed yesterday and today and this is my body telling me to calm down.
Thanks everyone. Feeling loads better, although got a bit of memory loss. Was at my brothers and was trying to tell a story and was awful forgetful. I think main reason for hypo was that i was very stressed yesterday and today and this is my body telling me to calm down.

Hopefully you can get a weekend of rest to make you feel better and refreshed for monday 🙂 xx
Hi Smit I spent an hour repeating the same thing to a client once. I kept getting stuck half-way through my sentence and starting again. She didn't say anything, or interrupt. After a bit, a receptionist wondered through to see what was taking so long, and she knew what was going on immediately....

I felt ashamed afterwards; it was like going into work drunk. I could see myself behaving inapprorpaitely ('no! I want to see the next client!') and crying, and people trying to calm me down, just like a drunk person. If you're feeling anything like this, I'm cringing with you. It was horrible.

A week later, it seemed so insignificant, as though it had never happened. People were surprisingly understanding; they took it for granted that I was ill, while I saw it as being 'out of control.'
Your boss sounds clued up and hopefully will be just as understanding.

Glad you're feeling better already; have a wonderful weekend, and (try to) walk in on monday refreshed, smiling as though it had never happened. All the best.
I know that embarrassment - have no answer but I guess we have no choice but to move on. I made a complete idiot of myself with a difficult customer a few weeks ago, still cringing,and all I can say is......I know how you feel but can offer no solutions. Try not to kick yourself all the time though, I've tried that and it doesn't help, time however does help.........a bit ! x
Im so sorry this had to happen to you, Smit. Its simply one of communities worst nightmares. really feel for you. Thank god you had a work collegue who knew what was what.

Chin up- Im feeling your pain because I would hate that to happen to me (and I know my time will come) but I bet you it wasnt half as bad as what you think it was.

Thank you everyone for support. It's good to know I am not alone. If i had it my way would not go to work on Monday but as my husband said if i do that everytime i go low i'd never go to work. Going to try and just forget about it and go in smiling :D. I'll try. Just a little embarrassed 😱
Hello, I really feel for you. This post and reading your experience(s) is the thing that I fear the most about having D.......I work in front line social work and I have had a few hypos at work in situations that I have been able to deal with them without them impacting on the work I was doing at the time. It scares me that I could dealing with something really important and start to have hypo - i've now had several hypos that have no symptoms until very low. Any way I know that is something that you all deal with too. Good to get it off you chest sometimes.
Smit......sounds like your boss did a great job. X
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