Magnesium and Iron supplements

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Active Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Hi all, I'm exhausted all the time, I spoke to the nurse on Friday but forgot to ask the two questions I needed to as I keep forgetting everything!

Is it ok to take magnesium and Iron supplements with my novo30?

Blood sugars have looked a lot better over the last few days and I'm nearly at 3 months of being on insulin.
Hi all, I'm exhausted all the time, I spoke to the nurse on Friday but forgot to ask the two questions I needed to as I keep forgetting everything!

Is it ok to take magnesium and Iron supplements with my novo30?

Blood sugars have looked a lot better over the last few days and I'm nearly at 3 months of being on insulin.
Ask in the pharmacy.
I take them no problems
You could check the fine print on the packaging too. If there are known concerns for people with diabetes, those would usually be listed on the packaging. And for more detailed personal advice, the qualified pharmacist is a good idea to check any possible interactions between meds and supplements.
Thanks all - I'll go to my local pharmacy
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