Magical hospital appointments today

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
At least two of us have eye appointments today that we're worried about......and I'm sure that there are probably lots of you who have eye,medical and/or hospital appointments of some sort. I've therefore been on the magical email and the diabetic fairy has promised to sprinkle fairy dust over all of us today to make everything is as positive as possible and, unbelievably, the diabetic gremlins have said that they will behave themselves and stay in watching home made films (i.e. Gremlins I and II). Here's to a good day for everyone :D
Hurrah for the Diabetes Fairy! 🙂 I hope the gremlins don't get bored though, my appointment isn't until this afternoon!

Hope all goes well for you AJ 🙂
Gizmo has said that if the gremlins look like they are getting bored he will keep them under control......and if all else fails threaten them with the microwave:D

I really hope that everything goes well for you this afternoon
Gizmo has said that if the gremlins look like they are getting bored he will keep them under control......and if all else fails threaten them with the microwave:D

I really hope that everything goes well for you this afternoon

Thank you. I think it will feel very strange going back to the hospital where I was diagnosed for the first time. It's right on the other side of town from me and the bus I thought I could catch to get there has apparently been withdrawn, so now I've got a more complicated journey, grrr!!! It will be nice to get it over with though, and I've booked a visit to the pub with my friend for tomorrow! 🙂
Arrghhh! I can't see! ......Oh, it's all right, the fairy dust just got in my eyes!
Oh goody, I need some of that fairy dust, thank you very much 🙂
Hope the fairy dust worked for everyone else..............the gremlins didn't behave for me so I'm afraid that I've fallen out with Gizmo! Even more eye drugs and now don't know which type of surgery may be next as the last lot appears not to be the type that will solve the problems that have now been identified - have to be checked again on Monday at eye casualty and they are also trying to get me to see the consultant, but not sure how long that will take as her normal waiting list is currently four months!
and I've booked a visit to the pub with my friend for tomorrow! 🙂

The pub tomorrow sounds an excellent idea - have a drink for me please because my latest eye medications advise against alcohol, I could quite happily drink a totally massive glass of pinot grigio at this moment in time 🙄
Hope the fairy dust worked for everyone else..............the gremlins didn't behave for me so I'm afraid that I've fallen out with Gizmo! Even more eye drugs and now don't know which type of surgery may be next as the last lot appears not to be the type that will solve the problems that have now been identified - have to be checked again on Monday at eye casualty and they are also trying to get me to see the consultant, but not sure how long that will take as her normal waiting list is currently four months!

Hi lang sorry to hear about this hope monday comes around quickly all this uncertainty aint good either x
Thanks Steffier in many ways I'm finding the uncertainty the worst part - it also isn't helpful for work I was back after the surgery, now off again and then not sure what is happening. I'm just really glad that so to date work have been extremely supportive despite me having had several bouts of serious illness during the past 18 months
Just a quick message - currently have screen boosted to 400% so I can read it! Got grit (fairy dust?) blown in eyes as I approached hospital so eyes very sore by time I got to the dept! First part of appt. was just like normal scan - vision test, drops then photos. Then I waited about half an hour to see consultant. He looked at my eyes through a fancy microscope thingy and concluded that there were slight changes that didn't need lasering. Hurrah! He said he wants to see me again in 4 months and also that the problem might disappear by then.

One thing that struck me was that every other patient there was at least 20 years older than me, so I looked really out of place (looking so young and handsome 😉)

Had a massive hypo on my way home. I'd gone into a shop to buy some pens and it was like my vision went into stop frame, but with several frames missing 😱 Normally my vision is my first hypo symptom but I had obviously missed the warning because of the drops. I shovelled down some jelly babies and sat down for a a while and recovered. Didn't have my meter with me, but was very low as I was only 4.9 when I got home.

AJ, really sorry to hear that you have more unknowns to deal with :( I'm hoping that the fact they think it's something different means that whatever surgery they need to do will be more successful at preserving and stabilising your sight.
Some of the fairy dust worked, as Carol's been put on the pump waiting list.
Just a quick message - currently have screen boosted to 400% so I can read it! Got grit (fairy dust?) sorry to hear this it was those flipping gremlins misbehaving again! blown in eyes as I approached hospital so eyes very sore by time I got to the dept! First part of appt. was just like normal scan - vision test, drops then photos. Then I waited about half an hour to see consultant. He looked at my eyes through a fancy microscope thingy and concluded that there were slight changes that didn't need lasering. Hurrah! He said he wants to see me again in 4 months Hurrah Northener let's hope that you get told the same thing at every appointment fo r the next 100 years
One thing that struck me was that every other patient there was at least 20 years older than me, so I looked really out of place (looking so young and handsome 😉) of course you probably actually looked as if you were the youngest by 40 years being as young and handsome as you are

Had a massive hypo on my way home. I'd gone into a shop to buy some pens and it was like my vision went into stop frame, but with several frames missing 😱 Normally my vision is my first hypo symptom but I had obviously missed the warning because of the drops. I shovelled down some jelly babies and sat down for a a while and recovered. Didn't have my meter with me, but was very low as I was only 4.9 when I got home.Poor you and you've now given me a non-hypo craving for jelly babies

AJ, really sorry to hear that you have more unknowns to deal with :( I'm hoping that the fact they think it's something different means that whatever surgery they need to do will be more successful at preserving and stabilising your sight.
Bet you can't guess where I ended upon again this morning??? Ok you win yes it was eye casualty - suffering major side effects to all the drugs - they seem certain now what is wrong and there is only one specalist in my county who can decide the next surgery so they have filled in the paperwork for me to see her urgently i.e. in the next two weeks (for non-urgent she doesn't have any appointments until next year). Until I see her I've got to go back to eve casualty every few days for check-ups - despite all their patients they now know who I am without me saying my name!!!!!
Some of the fairy dust worked, as Carol's been put on the pump waiting list.

Hi Monica that's really good news, hopefully more fairy dust will work as you go through the next stages with regard to the pump. I'm keeping my fingers and toes crossed for you and Carol
Bet you can't guess where I ended upon again this morning??? Ok you win yes it was eye casualty - suffering major side effects to all the drugs - they seem certain now what is wrong and there is only one specalist in my county who can decide the next surgery so they have filled in the paperwork for me to see her urgently i.e. in the next two weeks (for non-urgent she doesn't have any appointments until next year). Until I see her I've got to go back to eve casualty every few days for check-ups - despite all their patients they now know who I am without me saying my name!!!!!

It's nice to feel wanted, isn't it? 😉 Very good news that they have speeded up the appointment and you get to see the top person. Do they now think your previous surgery was unnecessary? I am hoping so much for a positive outcome AJ - everything is crossed for you, which may make people wince when I'm out in public, as you can't normally cross things like that and still walk normally! 🙂
AJ I wish you all the sucess with what ever decsions are made about your surgery.It is nice to know you are now going to be seen by what sounds like the dog top, Ill be thinking of you ...x
Thanks Steffie and Northener it is good that I'm seeing the top person - she is also very nice as well which helps. I did have a private appointment with her in September to reassure myself that everything was ok - which of course it wasn't - if I'd carried on private I guess things would be sorted out now but there is absolutely no way that I can afford to pay for private treatment and, of course, having been diabetic since a child, I can't get appropriate medical insurance either. But at least it gave me a chance to meet with her and talk through what might happen - it's just that we'd both hoped that the first lot of lasers might have done the job for at least 10-15 years, but c'est la vie

Northerner I've been doing lots of reading up about what has been said with regard to my eye and it seems that the laser I've had done so far has to be done before they can even identify the problem that they now think I have. If she chooses what I think she will then the next lot of surgery will involve about 20 burns around the edge of each eye and I will be able to see them as permanent black dots around the eye - I'm not sure how I feel about that but guess I would rather know in advance.

Anyway when i feel fed up I can think of you Northener trying to walk with everything crossed - that will make me smile!!!🙄
Ah, so at least the recent surgery wasn't in vain. What are they trying to achieve with the drugs - is it a blood pressure thing or something entirely different? I'm due for my optician's check soon, had been holding off to see what would happen at the eye hospital. The last time I saw the optician (who happened to be a Type 1 for 17 years!) she said they'd call me back in 6 months to check for glaucoma as the 'puff' test was a little worrying, but I never got the letter so now it's over a year. At least we are lucky enough to live in a country where this sort of stuff is available to us!
Hi Monica that's really good news, hopefully more fairy dust will work as you go through the next stages with regard to the pump. I'm keeping my fingers and toes crossed for you and Carol

Thanks AJ. I hope all goes well with your surgery. I will hold my thumbs for you( this is what we do in Switzerland instead of crossing fingers)
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