Magic Spells

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
I caught a few minutes of Dr. Xand's 'Con or Cure' programme this am. They had a feature on Magic Spells for sale on the internet for medical conditions. It seemed like a profitable business. Anybody come across a Spell from a White Witch for diabetes ?
I caught a few minutes of Dr. Xand's 'Con or Cure' programme this am. They had a feature on Magic Spells for sale on the internet for medical conditions. It seemed like a profitable business. Anybody come across a Spell from a White Witch for diabetes ?
I have my doubts, they don’t seem to have perfected the spell against bullets yet.
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I’ve heard of “slapping therapy”where sadly misled individuals died.

I used to get offered these fairly regularly via email. Apparently suitable for all manner of things from diabetes, through cancer to baldness and virility.

Not effective against gullibility though, and I think they can be quite pricey, so I’ll have to wait for that large sum of money to arrive that I was promised by that generous Nigerian prince…
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