Lucozade Tablets - Crushed in Pocket

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New Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1

I am type 1 and use lucozade tablets for hypo treatment. They are just the right size to fit in my pocket next to my phone and I carry them everywhere I go.

Fortunately I don't have to eat them very often, my hypo awareness is pretty good, the problem is this means they go in and out of my pocket everyday and over time fall apart. They are only wrapped in aluminised paper and when this splits, its game over, sticky powder goes everywhere and the tabs go in the bin.

So, to save money on buying new tabs just because they fall apart and to save my jean pockets from getting covered in lucozade powder I have designed a case for them.


It's very thin and acts as more of a sheath with a hole in the bottom to push them out when needed and two small grips to stop the packet of tabs falling out.



Fortunately I have access to a 3D printer so have produced them that way. I have uploaded all the files here for anyone else who can 3D print. For those of you who don't please email me (agredfearn at and I will send one to you as quickly as I can.

I do a lot of design and 3D printing for work and wanted to do something for my fellow diabetics! This is hopefully the first of a few little diabetic gadgets to help make things a little easier, suggestions?

Anyway, email me and I'll print and send you one for free, colour and design might change a little, depends on what's loaded into the printer on the day. Enjoy!

Update 16 July 2020: I am still making and sending these cases to diabetics who have stumbled across this post. So if that is you, know that you are still welcome to email me at the address above and I will send you a pair of lucozade cases for free - just give me your address 🙂
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Welcome to the forum, AndyR.
Nice idea, but I'll continue to use jelly babies in ziplock plastic bags instead - cheaper to buy, taste nicer and more robust than glucose tablets. Plus, even if they go through a washing machine in trouser pocket, no sticky mess.
Welcome to the forum, AndyR.
Nice idea, but I'll continue to use jelly babies in ziplock plastic bags instead - cheaper to buy, taste nicer and more robust than glucose tablets. Plus, even if they go through a washing machine in trouser pocket, no sticky mess.

A ziplock bag! Genius! I've been getting really annoyed at all the jelly babies going stale in open bags.
Sometimes I worry about my common sense 😳
welcome to the forum and congratulations on such a brilliant idea
Fantastic! I use Dextrosol- will they fit, I think they are a very slightly different shape?
Welcome Andy. An excellent idea for dextrose users. I am a jelly a baby person.
Hi Andy. What a great idea. I know exactly where you're coming from with the split packets and sugary mess. This would have been absolutely perfect for me 30 years ago when using Dextrosol tablets. The idea of 3D printing then would have seemed like something from science fiction. :D I only have them occasionally now and normally have glucotabs in the round tubes.
Love that!! I use dextrose and, as you say, they get crushed in bags and pockets. Would love one of these
Could you 3d print a jelly baby holder?
I'm thinking a set of triple/quad iron lady or perhaps sarcophagus (sorry don't know plurol).
Would need to be colour coded for ocd types.
Perhaps a lanyard or anti theft alarm?
Good luck.

JB users - is it true the DF can be summoned if you eat three greens in a row?
I will see if the dextrose tabs fit the case, I also use them sometimes but I prefer the taste of lucozade tabs. If they don't it's an easy job to resize the design, I'll get back to you on that one. As for glucotabs, they are nicer, and the case they come in is great, but they are just too bulky in a pocket. I like to be able to go out without a bag so pocket-able diabetes kit is important for me haha.

Never thought of jelly babies as a hypo treatment, will have to give it a try once I track down a long stripy scarf! Points to those who get that one 😉
Ah a Doctor who fan eh? You look far to young to remember Tom Baker's doctor though 🙂

What a great idea you've got there, I'm a jelly baby ziplock bag gal myself, but at least one reason for that is the glucose tabs always got "scruffy" in the bottom of my bag....well that and jelly babies are easier to chew!
Big Tom Baker fan (I actually do own the scarf). The only problem I can see with jelly babies, apart from the non-pocketable situation is that I would just eat them, haha. Lucozade and dextrose are not appealing in any way and so require no self restraint. I used to have a 'hypo drawer' at work, filled with sweets for low BS's, but it soon became an empty drawer, nothing to do with hypos.
Go on the web. You can get plastic tablet cases for dextrose tablets. I work in peoples houses , in floorboards ,lofts etc & they do fall to bits in pockets. Not in plastic case & always in my pocket.
My hypo awareness is next to nothing now but whenever I have Jelly Belly jelly beans in my possession I seem to have more hypos, the awareness miraculously returns and even more amazing is I find I don't even need to check my bg to confirm the hypo. 😉:D

I tend to steer clear of them now as it's very confusing and stick to glucotabs or dextrosol or the wallpaper paste of dextrogel. :D
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