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Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1

After speaking to my diabetic friend, I’m doubting myself, even though I’ve had type 1 for 21 years.

I have great hypo recognition. I had a terrible episode when I was very young and had a seizure and ended up in hospital.

So, I treat with a glucotab or something sugary if I’m 4.9, 4.8, 4.7 and so on. My friend won’t treat until she’s 4.0 or below.

I didn’t think it was safe to sit at the likes of 4.5 without treating. My target is 5.0 - 7.0 so I’d treat anything under that.

Any advice?
Hello @Oliviag23

Technically a hypo is 4 or under, so just above this is not a hypo. I might sit as in actually sit down and do nothing else at 4,5 but I wouldn't be going out or going in the shower etc., I would be waiting for it to go up again.

It is all personal I would say, as we all vary. I don't think either of you is wrong, as you know your own body best.

My alarm for lows is 4.7 so that I can turn off my pump and consider a snack. I wouldn't always have a snack instantly, and I would test my finger too to check its not a random low alert. And if I had symptoms I would consider that as a factor too.

I might even pre treat if at 5ish and going down, but I am happy with 6, again depending on what I am doing, 6 and going for a walk I would have a snack/turn off insulin etc.

If based on your experience treating at high 4s stops hypos then keep doing it. Main thing is stopping hypos and keeping awareness.

Take care and trust yourself.
It depends @Oliviag23 If you know your CGM is accurate and you’re 4.5 with a Rising arrow that would be safe. However, I always try to stay above 5 so if I was 4.5 I’d have a tiny amount of glucose/carbs to nudge me up to 5. This helps maintain better hypo awareness.

You’re not doing anything wrong. I’ve had a hypo seizure too years ago and they’re awful. People who’ve not experienced a bad hypo often underestimate hypos. You carry on doing what’s right for you x
You’re not doing anything wrong. I’ve had a hypo seizure too years ago and they’re awful. People who’ve not experienced a bad hypo often underestimate hypos. You carry on doing what’s right for you x
Yes also this. Apart from when I was pregnant I have never had a 'bad' hypo that left me unable to respond or needing help. If I was at this risk I would act as you do. Your approach in your situation is understandable. We are all different.

Also all diabetics are different, I was once talking to another T1 I had just met and she told me she wears her libre on her breast, in her bra area so no-one can see it. Each to their own completely, but to me that seemed odd and I struggled to not react like this 😱
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