lowest ever hypo

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Relationship to Diabetes
Alex just had his lowest ever hypo - 1.8!😱

He said he only felt a little bit hypo and his stupid sensor said he was 5!

His lips went white - but he was giggling and thought it was funny - is this normal?:confused:Bev

p.s. He even took his pump off before i knew what was happening - so his mind was all there.
I think the giggling may have been to him being disorientated due to his state of hypo. Hypo syptoms can present some very strange characteristics in different individuals. Hope he feels better soon.
That's so strange I had my lowest ever hypo too this afternoon a 1.7! I was having a nap and needless to say it woke me up. I feel like I'm drunk when I have a really bad one so giggling is normal and crying xxx
WEIRD! I am also in the club and had a 1.9mmols at 17.45! How bizarre....

Anyway, I digress (hope everyone is ok BTW?)....

Had the sensor been in a while Bev or was it a decent one? Does it normally throw off low blood sugars? Thats a real concern for when he is sleeping if it isnt accurate. Sometimes there is a weird euphoria feeling Bev that things are a bit strange and I wouldnt think it too odd he giggled. What do you account the low number too Bev?

Im knackered following mine. How is Alex doing Bev?
Thanks all,

Sugarbum, Alex had been playing football for half an hour - but he had a TB on of 65% and had a drink beforehand. I can only assume that 65% wasnt low enough as he had the hypo about an hour after playing.:confused:

It was a new sensor this morning and sometimes they dont quite find each other - so you just keep callibrating until they get closer - normally this only takes half a day or so for us. So the fact it was showing as 5 when he was 1.8 is quite a big difference - but not unusual when its a new sensor. I never just trust the sensor on its own at night, if he shows an odd number i will do the finger prick test - but to be honest its normally very very close.

The thing that bothered me most was that he didnt feel the symptoms until he was this low - normally he feels it at 3.5 or so. I wonder if he is losing hypo awareness?

Sorry you have all been so low today - perhaps its the weather - its very cold here today. He feels fine now - he even had another game of football! But i am keeping him a little higher overnight just in case!🙂Bev
Sometimes it takes a bit longer to feel it I find.It depends on what I'm doing at the time as well on when i'll recognise i'm having one sooner rather than later.I really hope he isn't losing his hypo awareness x
Sometimes I find it harder to tell I'm hypo if I'm exercising, as some of the symptoms are associated with exercise, e.g. sweating, shaking. Could it be that the football playing masked the symptoms?
Sometimes I find it harder to tell I'm hypo if I'm exercising, as some of the symptoms are associated with exercise, e.g. sweating, shaking. Could it be that the football playing masked the symptoms?

I agree with pigeon. When I go to the gym, I often have to make myself take a reading as I tend to assume I am hot because I have been exercising rather that my BG has fallen due to excercise.

I also find, if I don't notice when I am between 4 and 2 ish (on the way down), I don't have the same the symptoms when I get lower. (ie when I am 1.8 ish). When I then treat the hypo, I tend to feel worse on the way up than when I was so low.
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He just ate his food an hour ago and he is now 2.5!!!!!😱

It was carb counted properly - he was 17 before food and i realised that this was a rebound so only corrected cautiously - not sure whats going on?:(Bev
Oh bev you must of been so worried. Hope everythings ok? x
can i join the club with my 1.7 the other day?

bev - i think sometimes, even if you have brill hypo awareness, you just don't feel the odd one or two. my hypo awareness if pretty good - i get the shakes at anything under 4 - and yet i didn't feel the 1.7.
can i join the club with my 1.7 the other day?

bev - i think sometimes, even if you have brill hypo awareness, you just don't feel the odd one or two. my hypo awareness if pretty good - i get the shakes at anything under 4 - and yet i didn't feel the 1.7.

Hi Shiv,

Sorry you too have been so low! That is interesting that you didnt feel it coming on either - i wonder if there is a reason for this or whether its just about being focused on something and just not noticing the sudden drop?:confused:Bev
Hi Shiv,

Sorry you too have been so low! That is interesting that you didnt feel it coming on either - i wonder if there is a reason for this or whether its just about being focused on something and just not noticing the sudden drop?:confused:Bev

I think my lowest was a 1.7 a long time ago, plus I have had a 1.9. On both occasions I didn't get the normal symptoms until the last minute, but they were both when I was very involved with something I wanted to complete so I tried to ignore them. I've noticed that, in the 21 months since diagnosis I have had about half a dozen hypos that were completely different to the rest, so I think it's just one of those things where conditions conspire to confuse everything you thought you knew to keep you on your toes!
Poor Alex :( big hugs, must of been scary Bev...I had a 2.9 today which was bad enough couldn't see properly, was staggering all over the place! Lowest ever seen on my meter is 2.3 so pretty feeble compared to everyone elses 1's, hypos vary so much tho for me have felt shocking on a 3.5 before...hypos succckkk! xxx
Hypo tends to follow hypo im afraid. exercise can make bloods low for 12 hours or more afterwards. after a big hypo, give less insulin than usual, as more hypos tend to follow. My girl has 1.3 the other night, was fast asleep and when i woke her was much more lucid than she is at 3!!!
Hypo tends to follow hypo im afraid. exercise can make bloods low for 12 hours or more afterwards. after a big hypo, give less insulin than usual, as more hypos tend to follow. My girl has 1.3 the other night, was fast asleep and when i woke her was much more lucid than she is at 3!!!

If I go for a longish run then the effects stay with me for about 40 hours, but don't kick in for the first three hours after exercise - that's what I've determined so far!
poor ole alex hows he today Bev ? good luck hunny xxx
Alex just had his lowest ever hypo - 1.8!😱

He said he only felt a little bit hypo and his stupid sensor said he was 5!

His lips went white - but he was giggling and thought it was funny - is this normal?:confused:Bev

p.s. He even took his pump off before i knew what was happening - so his mind was all there.

Hi Bev

I hope Alex is ok now, sure he is. Occasionally Jessica will go very white when this low. She too sometimes is giggly, all part of being hypo with the dizzy feeling sometimes. Jessica has been 1.4 before and acting completely normally until I saw she had gone totally white so tested.

It is frightening re the sensor isn't it. I have Jessica's set to alarm low at 5.5 as I know she is in the 3's then. I imagine he had dropped very very quickly and the sensor was still trying catch up.

It is worrying but amazing that he knew to take the pump off.
my lowest has been below 1, lower than the hospital meter would read. That was pretty scary, well for the nurse more than me.

Lowest recorded on my meter was 1.7 felt awful after that, really low lows under 2 leave me feeling unwell for the rest of the day,
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