Lowest BS reading to date but curious as to why?

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
I wonder if someone can shed some light on this please? My main meal last night was a mixed salad with slices of mozzarella cheese and a few (very few) of some slices of baked sweet potato. I then set my reminder to test after 2 hours and went and had a bath. My reminder alarm went off as i got out the bath and i tested a few minutes later and my reading was 5.5 🙂 I was very pleased with this as it is my lowest reading to date but i was just curious as to whether this was the case because i had just had a bath (don't know why this would affect it in any way) or just purely that i had a low carb meal.
Im not sure if its the same for all diabetics, but i have to be carefull of Baths.
Something to do with the submerging in water?
Warm water speeds up the aborption of insulin - but if your not using insulin - i would have thought its the effect of eating a low carb meal.🙂Bev
i'm not on insulin but i suppose the only way to find out is have the same meal again - without the bath! 🙂 thanks all
Hi again Carina,

I think that you will know exactly what I will think - i.e. it'll be the low-carb meal!

Best wishes - John
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