Low-tech way to rotate injection sites and keep a daily diary

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
I wanted a low-tech way to help me rotate injection sites to lower the risk of issues related to site overuse. I also wanted a convenient way to capture daily diary entries without carrying a bulky diary booklet around with me. So, I put together the attached PDF document. Once every 4 weeks, I get a printout and then cut the pages down to 4 slips that, when folded, fit into my insulin carry case. All I need to do is insert a new slip each Monday morning. Then, each time I inject, I mark off each bolus/basal site. That way, all things being equal, each site is only used once every 4 weeks.

Photo below/attached shows how it looks in use and in my carrying case.

I find it useful, so I thought perhaps others might also.

Screenshot 2023-01-04 at 08.38.56.png


You can think of your tummy as a clock around the belly button (but don’t go too near there) and work round two concentric circles.

When on injections I stuck to left leg basal am, tummy during the day (working round the clock) then right leg basal pm (I had a split basal). Take up of insulin varies a bit from tummy and legs, so sticking to all basal in legs that was consistent.

I use cannulas now for my pump but still work round the clock but also switch sides each week to have cannula/pump near my sensor which is in my arm.
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