low resevoir

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
hey all

just a quick question 🙂

half an hour ago i received my first ever low resevoir sign and its saying my pump has 19.4 units left.

tommorow morning i am due to be doing a set change, but just wondered should i be doing the set change the now?

ive worked out that all in, over night the amount of basal i will need from now until 9am is 6.2 units and i have 19.4...

how low should i let it go before i need to change it?

ta mucho guys xx
I would say it is fine to leave it until the morning - just as long as you know you will remember to do it. Alex's does alarm when it is low - but he has a big reservoir so often we change it before he gets to the end of it.🙂Bev
Mine whinges at 20 units and with the amount I use generally gives me more than 24 hours to change, if you happen to forget to replace then it will also alarm when it's empty🙄

I only change at night if my pump says less than 6 units, but I only use about 4 units overnight..
I would say it is fine to leave it until the morning - just as long as you know you will remember to do it. Alex's does alarm when it is low - but he has a big reservoir so often we change it before he gets to the end of it.🙂Bev

aww thanks for your help Bev 🙂 yh dont worry i defo wont forget 🙂 hehe

Mine whinges at 20 units and with the amount I use generally gives me more than 24 hours to change, if you happen to forget to replace then it will also alarm when it's empty🙄

I only change at night if my pump says less than 6 units, but I only use about 4 units overnight..

klkl, so 20 units is probs just givin u time to think about changing etc.
i would change if i was going to be eating a meal or somethin but since im just on my basal rest of night, i should be ok 🙂

kk thanks ellie 🙂 much appreciated :D xox
Sorry I'm late into this!

Mine alarms at 35u, I set it at this so I have plenty of time to plan a set change - ie if I have work the next morning, 35 prob won't last me through a shift so if it alarms the night before I can get one ready for the next morning.

If I have enough left in the reservoir to see me through the night, I'll do the reservoir change the next morning.

I don't worry about lining up set and reservoir changes together - changing a reservoir only takes a couple of seconds so I personally don't see the big deal in changing them seperately - but I know some people like to.
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