Low Pulse Pressure

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
At risk of diabetes
Since my prediabetes/cholesterol/ckd diagnosis at the end Feb I've changed my diet and have been reducing my weight. This has resulted in a drop in blood pressure and I'm heading fairly rapidly into low blood pressure territory.
This week my Mean Arterial Pressure (MAP) hit 76 which isn't a particular concern (yet). However my Pulse Pressure hit 32 which I am a lil concerned over.
Does anyone know how low pulse pressure needs to go before it results in inadequate oxygen delivery and potential organ damage?
It's hell getting a doc appointment, I do have one next Thursday and will ask questions there but next Thursday seems a long wait if it's a problem.

Just hoping someone may have some knowledge of low blood pressure / pulse pressure. I don't really want to phone 111 as in my experience that number is a waste of time. 'Normal' PP is 40-60 mmHg.
My systolic / diastolic and (pulse pressure) are:

11 days readings at end aug 2023
average am .... 117 / 78 (PP 39)
average pm ....117 / 75 (PP 42)

11 days readings at end jan/start feb 2024
average am .... 112 / 74 (PP 38)
average pm .... 119 / 78 (PP 41)

10 days readings at end april 2024
average am .... 100.2 / 65.8 (PP 34)
average pm .... 110.6 / 72.0 (PP 39)

last 2 days readings
average am .... 97.6 / 65.5 (PP 32)
average pm .... 106.4 / 69.1 (PP 37)
Are you on any blood pressure medication?
I had higher BP years ago, in aug 2021 I was prescribed a beta blocker both to lower BP, and to regulate my heart rate due to an ectopic heartbeat.
My premature ventricular contractions (PVCs) were so frequent I was told I could have a heart attack without meds. So skipping the meds isn't really an option.

I had a 48 hr heart monitor in mid-may, and have been hoping for an appointment to see the cardiologist, but nothing yet.
I've had no medication reviews since the original prescription, and the heart monitor was due to me reporting that I'd been having more ectopics.
My pulse measured at 45-47 BPM today, so I really don't think the beta blockers are a good fit
Since my prediabetes/cholesterol/ckd diagnosis at the end Feb I've changed my diet and have been reducing my weight. This has resulted in a drop in blood pressure and I'm heading fairly rapidly into low blood pressure territory.
This week my Mean Arterial Pressure (MAP) hit 76 which isn't a particular concern (yet). However my Pulse Pressure hit 32 which I am a lil concerned over.
Does anyone know how low pulse pressure needs to go before it results in inadequate oxygen delivery and potential organ damage?
It's hell getting a doc appointment, I do have one next Thursday and will ask questions there but next Thursday seems a long wait if it's a problem.

Just hoping someone may have some knowledge of low blood pressure / pulse pressure. I don't really want to phone 111 as in my experience that number is a waste of time. 'Normal' PP is 40-60 mmHg.
My systolic / diastolic and (pulse pressure) are:

11 days readings at end aug 2023
average am .... 117 / 78 (PP 39)
average pm ....117 / 75 (PP 42)

11 days readings at end jan/start feb 2024
average am .... 112 / 74 (PP 38)
average pm .... 119 / 78 (PP 41)

10 days readings at end april 2024
average am .... 100.2 / 65.8 (PP 34)
average pm .... 110.6 / 72.0 (PP 39)

last 2 days readings
average am .... 97.6 / 65.5 (PP 32)
average pm .... 106.4 / 69.1 (PP 37)
Those numbers look pretty similar to mine. I also wondered a bit about low PP at one stage but my cardiologist was dismissive like he thought there were about 500 other more important things to worry about. So I stopped 🙂

But that's just me. See what your GP has to say & let us know.
A part of my concern comes from repeated but very brief episodes of feeling light-headed. They don't noticeably affect me and pass quickly.
I guess my primary concern is because I've read that the kidneys are the first organ affected, and I can do without that!

@Eddy Edson Thanks, that sounds reassuring. I will definitely ask the doc about it tho.
EDIT: My current low BP is with a BMI of 26, so my BP will be heading significantly lower. These beta blockers gotta be changed!
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A part of my concern comes from repeated but very brief episodes of feeling light-headed. They don't noticeably affect me and pass quickly.
I guess my primary concern is because I've read that the kidneys are the first organ affected, and I can do without that!

@Eddy Edson Thanks, that sounds reassuring. I will definitely ask the doc about it tho.
Also, FWIW, the commentary I've seen suggests that a clinically significant "low" PP is less than 25% of systolic.
Also, FWIW, the commentary I've seen suggests that a clinically significant "low" PP is less than 25% of systolic.
I've seen that as well, but 25% of a systolic of 120, is in a totally different league to 25% of a systolic of 95. Which is why I've been trying to find out how low is too low.
I almost hit CKD stage 3b last september, so organ damage is not an option in my book 😱
The ectopic makes my BP vary by up to 10 points from moment to the next, so I do an average of 3 readings.
My lowest systolic reading this morning was 93, lowest diastolic was 61
The ectopic makes my BP vary by up to 10 points from moment to the next, so I do an average of 3 readings.
My lowest systolic reading this morning was 93, lowest diastolic was 61
What monitor are you using to measure your blood pressure as some of them don't cope well when people have other heart issues like AF or ectopic events.
I do think you need a review of your meds asap.
Can you e-mail your readings to your GP for them to look at.
What monitor are you using to measure your blood pressure as some of them don't cope well when people have other heart issues like AF or ectopic events.
I do think you need a review of your meds asap.
Can you e-mail your readings to your GP for them to look at.
I use an Omron M3, it detects an irregular heartbeat, and I reject readings where an irregular heartbeat is detected and redo them.
PVC is worst at end of a busy day, the most extreme it got while trying to do BP - I got 2 error codes on the monitor, plus 4/5 readings were flagged as irregular. No BP reading that evening lol.

I thought of emailing readings to the surgery, but they can take 2 days to look at/respond to emails, take out the weekend and I'd be unlikely to get a reaction til mon or tue. So I figured wait til Thur morning.
I'm doing a set of readings in preparation for the doc appointment, and having at least 7 days worth would be good, 2 days observations doesn't seem like much.
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