Low platlet blood results

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Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
I had a call from my GP yesterday following routin e blood checks and she said my platlet count was low she started asking questions like are you bleeding from anywhere? Noticed blood in urine or feases, she left me quite worried, has anyone with type 2 diabetes had low platlet results?
I've had low platelets since Jan last year - around 110 vs minimum "normal" of 150. Did you know what your count is?

Platelets are necessary for blood clotting, so at low levels (well below mine) you will get excess bleeding. At my levels there are no symptoms.

Nothing to do with diabetes, as far as I know.

The medical name for the condition is "thrombocytopenia", if you want to look it up.

There are a range if possible causes but I think very often it will be a dunno-just-one-of-those-things situation. Anyway, that seems to be the case with me.

Do press your doctor for more information and how she plans to deal with it. In my case, it's just monitoring.
My platelets are often raised. Do you know if you have had b12 checked? Are you on metformin? This drug can lower b12 I believe and low b12 can cause low platelets in some cases
No she didnt tell what level they are at but I will ask, thanks
I've had low platelets since Jan last year - around 110 vs minimum "normal" of 150. Did you know what your count is?

Platelets are necessary for blood clotting, so at low levels (well below mine) you will get excess bleeding. At my levels there are no symptoms.

Nothing to do with diabetes, as far as I know.

The medical name for the condition is "thrombocytopenia", if you want to look it up.

There are a range if possible causes but I think very often it will be a dunno-just-one-of-those-things situation. Anyway, that seems to be the case with me.

Do press your doctor for more information and how she plans to deal with it. In my case, it's just monitoring.
My platelets are often raised. Do you know if you have had b12 checked? Are you on metformin? This drug can lower b12 I believe and low b12 can cause low platelets in some cases
I was on metformin but refused to renew prescription as the side effects on my digestive system were awful, stopped taking it some 8 months ago! I take Alogliptin and Kwick pen Abasaglar every evening. I twke medication for Asthma and hypertension too as well as Naproxen and cocodomol all of which state that it may impact on blood count.I just am anxious she is going to send me for things like colonescopy without first looking at what I take and how that may affect these things! In such a panic. Came off the phone thinking "oh god she thinks I have colon cancer or a cancer in general' she said low platlets can be a sign of this!
I've had low platelets for at least 25 years, maybe longer, not even sure when it was first picked up, but it came to light in a random comment one time. It got me worried, but I did research and knew what to expect if the situation got worst - initially treatment would be two weeks of steroids, worst case would be removal of spleen. I have annual blood tests anyway, to check on cholesterol as it can be hereditary and my mum has been on meds for decades - so everything gets checked then. Diabetes only poked its head in last year.
Low platelets means you will bruise a lot easier - brush past something and voila - a bruise, scratch too hard and you bruise yourself, sometimes I just need to look at a corner and one appears. Also your blood takes a wee bit longer to coagulate - when I finger prick and it is taking its own sweet time to stop beading, I just pop it under cold running water, it helps to stop it. It is just a normal part of my life now that I deal with without a second thought. When I've been in hospital and they've had to put a canula in my arm, I just tell them I'm a bleeder so they don't get too concerned when they need to remove it again.
Hope this helps put your mind at rest.
Came off the phone thinking "oh god she thinks I have colon cancer or a cancer in general' she said low platlets can be a sign of this!
This thread of mine from a few months ago might be worth a look: https://forum.diabetes.org.uk/boards/threads/low-platelets.95834/

Low platelets can be due to leukemia or other blood-related cancers, but as far as I know not colon etc cancers, and again as far as I know you'd usually expect to see other abnormalities in yr blood test results if that were the case.

Anyway, I guess the thing to do is work out the questions you want to ask your doc and press her for answers. I'm pretty sure that examining your current meds for possible causes would be the normal first step for her.
I've had low platelets for at least 25 years, maybe longer, not even sure when it was first picked up, but it came to light in a random comment one time. It got me worried, but I did research and knew what to expect if the situation got worst - initially treatment would be two weeks of steroids, worst case would be removal of spleen. I have annual blood tests anyway, to check on cholesterol as it can be hereditary and my mum has been on meds for decades - so everything gets checked then. Diabetes only poked its head in last year.
Low platelets means you will bruise a lot easier - brush past something and voila - a bruise, scratch too hard and you bruise yourself, sometimes I just need to look at a corner and one appears. Also your blood takes a wee bit longer to coagulate - when I finger prick and it is taking its own sweet time to stop beading, I just pop it under cold running water, it helps to stop it. It is just a normal part of my life now that I deal with without a second thought. When I've been in hospital and they've had to put a canula in my arm, I just tell them I'm a bleeder so they don't get too concerned when they need to remove it again.
Hope this helps put your mind at rest.
Thank you, I was just shocked thst she wants me to have all these tests to rule out cancer of this or that ! I have no symptoms suggest there may be a problem! I have to go for a top to toe examination including rear end! I am ableeder always have been its on my dental records tooth extraction usually requires stiches and injections plasters. I dont know hey ho fingers crossed but will be having discussion tomorrow before any physical exam! Going for a blood test today re iron levels and ceoliac , thanks again Tina
This thread of mine from a few months ago might be worth a look: https://forum.diabetes.org.uk/boards/threads/low-platelets.95834/

Low platelets can be due to leukemia or other blood-related cancers, but as far as I know not colon etc cancers, and again as far as I know you'd usually expect to see other abnormalities in yr blood test results if that were the case.

Anyway, I guess the thing to do is work out the questions you want to ask your doc and press her for answers. I'm pretty sure that examining your current meds for possible causes would be the normal first step for her.
Thank you I totally agree ....Tina
I was on metformin but refused to renew prescription as the side effects on my digestive system were awful, stopped taking it some 8 months ago! I take Alogliptin and Kwick pen Abasaglar every evening. I twke medication for Asthma and hypertension too as well as Naproxen and cocodomol all of which state that it may impact on blood count.I just am anxious she is going to send me for things like colonescopy without first looking at what I take and how that may affect these things! In such a panic. Came off the phone thinking "oh god she thinks I have colon cancer or a cancer in general' she said low platlets can be a sign of this!
Oh I know exactly how that feels and the panic can spiral bringing on anxiety an a whole host of other symptoms. My diagnosis has been an absolute nightmare. I was told out right that they thought I had cancer as my bloods were all out of range, new diagnosis of diabetes and other symptoms. I was tested for every cancer you could think of, it was a terrible time. Before I had a camera down my throat the consultant said to me for every 100 people we test like this it’s probably cancer in about 2 or 3 cases, but the human brain is somehow preconditioned to assume the worst. All my tests were fine but I still regularly have problems with blood work. I’ve Seen all my blood work in the low range to all being above normal in the space of 2 months. Although going through these tests can be very unsettling I do have some piece of mind that I’ve had the MOT. I’ve also heard that a colonoscopy it’s preferable to the endoscopy (which I hated). Do you know what your iron levels are like?
Oh I know exactly how that feels and the panic can spiral bringing on anxiety an a whole host of other symptoms. My diagnosis has been an absolute nightmare. I was told out right that they thought I had cancer as my bloods were all out of range, new diagnosis of diabetes and other symptoms. I was tested for every cancer you could think of, it was a terrible time. Before I had a camera down my throat the consultant said to me for every 100 people we test like this it’s probably cancer in about 2 or 3 cases, but the human brain is somehow preconditioned to assume the worst. All my tests were fine but I still regularly have problems with blood work. I’ve Seen all my blood work in the low range to all being above normal in the space of 2 months. Although going through these tests can be very unsettling I do have some piece of mind that I’ve had the MOT. I’ve also heard that a colonoscopy it’s preferable to the endoscopy (which I hated). Do you know what your iron levels are like?
Hi Emma, gosh you are having a rough time but dint let it get the better of you! I am having a blood test today to check my iron levels I hope they are okay as I cant take B12 never have been able to couldnt take when pregnant,tablets makes me vomit and come out in a rash!
Hi Emma, gosh you are having a rough time but dint let it get the better of you! I am having a blood test today to check my iron levels I hope they are okay as I cant take B12 never have been able to couldnt take when pregnant,tablets makes me vomit and come out in a rash!
If you do need B12 it can be given as an injection every 3 months usually. So that may not cause you a problem.
Ah well - if you are B12 deficient, the only decent way of increasing it is with fairly regular injections (like monthly I think) - cos it's a sign that dietary sources of B12 aren't being absorbed and converted properly by your body - hence that being the case, oral drugs are utterly useless to solve it!
Ah - 3 monthly - knew it wasn't very often!
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