Low mood


Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Hello all, hope you’re all keeping well and diabetes isn’t giving you too much hassle.

I’ve attended DAFNE, been put on a waiting list for an insulin pump but I’ve noticed my mood is terribly low when I have a moment to think about diabetes fully.
My hba1c is not great and my sugars have been running high for about a year now. I can definitely feel the difference compared to when my sugars were in range.
I’ve had CBT for hypo anxiety which helped at the time but now I just feel completely fed up and frustrated with having to make diabetes related decisions every single day.
I am trying my best to get my sugars under control but it can be difficult as every day is different.
Any advice?
I keep crying :-(

You’re not alone @LittleSunflower Type1 is relentless and it can be exhausting having to think about it all the time. I’ve read different figures for how many extra decisions we have to make a day, but it’s somewhere between 180 and 380!

My advice is to be kind to yourself and keep things simple. Eat the same/similar breakfast and lunch each day so you don’t have to think or count carbs. As for the hypo anxiety, make sure you set your Low alarm around 5. Knowing you’ll be alerted in good time helps a lot. On the Libre I set mine to 5.6.
Totally agree with all that @Inka has said. You certainly aren't alone.

I would just add that our D is a changing phenomenon - sometimes just different tomorrow and back to the more expected the next day. But also sometimes just progressively changing so that bolus ratios alter AND basal behaviour alters. I think if your basal isn't giving you a "best fit" then you are chasing a moving target with trying to make your bolus work well. It is worth reviewing your basal periodically because I believe it's an essential foundation to managing one's D. I also find making a quite small change with my basal produces a noticeable improvement overall.

There is a very recent thread titled basal and bolus, with a link to a My Sugar guide for basal testing. Hopefully attached: