low low low

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
well I am not sure what is happing at the moment last few week Bgs were high and now they are low through night and in the mornings even with doing hypo treatment at 2.30 I have droped me BI from 17 and now it was 13 last night and still I was only 3.5 at 2.40 and with hypo treatment still only 2.9 at 8.00. I keep being told to see a pattern but I dont have on and have to keep droping BI because of the night hypos. Well I think I will drop it to 11 tonight and see if that stopes it. Any help would be greatfull thanks.:(
Not an expert here, so I'm sure someone will correct me if I'm wrong.

Lots of people have found having a light snack (a slice of toast) and a warm drink just before bed helps them get through the night without hypos.

I know there are other ways to reduce or prevent them, so I'm sure someone will be along soon to help.
The weather plays an important part in diabetes and insulin absorption so perhaps because it is cold your body is reacting differently to what it normally would.🙂Bev

p.s. I meant to say - yes reduce your insulin and give it a few days to see what happens before you make any further changes so you can see if its working.
I went through a similar period a while back where I was having to continually reduce my basal insulin - I eventually went from 20 units down to 8! Then, about three months ago I started having the same problems and reduced from 8 down to 3 units! I've now had to move it back up to 7, so it's a bit of a pain 😱

'Basal' suggests that it is some sort of stable foundation that we can rely on to hold us steady - would someone please explain that to the Diabetes Fairy?
I went through a similar period a while back where I was having to continually reduce my basal insulin - I eventually went from 20 units down to 8! Then, about three months ago I started having the same problems and reduced from 8 down to 3 units! I've now had to move it back up to 7, so it's a bit of a pain 😱

'Basal' suggests that it is some sort of stable foundation that we can rely on to hold us steady - would someone please explain that to the Diabetes Fairy?

well thank you but I think the Diabetes Fairy has just ginve up the goast with me. Iknow I am suppose to leave it a few days before droping it but I have been down to 2.9 3.9 4.1 for the last 3 night and so I have droped BI got up at 2.30 last night and had glucose tabs and milk and a pancake and was still 2.9 when Igot up at 8.00 I had gone dow not up. But for the last 2 days I have been 8.8 9.9 8.9 at 5.00 but dont want to change ratio untill I can get BI right think thats what I have to do first I keep at it. The dam Fairy has a lot to answer to.
Looks to me like your basal insulin needs cutting back, the only way of knowing really is to do a fasting test and monitor closely.
Looks to me like your basal insulin needs cutting back, the only way of knowing really is to do a fasting test and monitor closely.

I did one a few weeks ago and that was when I was on 19 BI tested every hour from 4.30 till 9.30 had nothing to eat and BGs stayed 5.8 5.3 5.9 5.2 5.3 5.2 so thought it wasok but now its the hypos through night and I have had to drop it to 13 BI I am testin befor meals and 2 hours after some days ok others they go up a lot like yesterday Iwent from 4.4 at 12.00 8.3 at 2.00 and 9.9 4.00 5.00 was 8.8 at 10.00 going to bed 9.0 but still went down to 3.5 at 2.30 and was 2,5 at 8.00 it just drives you round the dend.
I wonder if it has anything to do with your injection sites, and whether you are getting 'patchy' release of the injected insulin?
I wonder if it has anything to do with your injection sites, and whether you are getting 'patchy' release of the injected insulin?

Thought that as well so I have been doing BI in thighs could that be why I am getting the lows more now and need less BI
Looks to me like your basal insulin needs cutting back, the only way of knowing really is to do a fasting test and monitor closely.

well tryed to do a basal insulin test at tea time had nothing and did BGs every hour was going to see what it was like by morning .But at 17.00 BGs 9.0 at 18.00 7.3 at 19.00 5.4 at 20.00 2.4 had to have orange juice then 20.45 BGs 7.7 but at 21.15 3.7 had apple juice and digestive 23.00 went to bed Bgs 9.3 I had droped my BI from 13 to 11 because of this andnow to day I am 13.7 12.8 9.1 will see what happens the rest of the day thanks for your help.
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