Low GI or Low Carb - that is the question!

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New Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Hi Everyone,

I have had type 2 for 3 years now and it is getting harder to control. I am on 4x slow release Metformin and 2x Byetta injections (10 micrograms). My last Hba1C was over 10. At the moment my morning levels are 12 so you can see my problem! I have had illness after illness since July (when I had the Swine Flu) which hasnt helped either.

I do have a weight problem and the Byetta was prescribed to assist with this. It has to a degree, but my weight loss is minimal.

I am not a "volume" eater, but I do have a stress reflex for sugar and fast acting carbs.

I am being considered for a gastric bypass and have 12 weeks to loose as much weight as possible and get the sugar levels under better control. If I fail then no op and a future on insulin.

So now I am trying to figure out what my approach should be? Just wondering if any of you have been in similar situations and had a better loss from one plan or another?

Grateful for any advice.


Hi Lynda, welcome to the forum 🙂 My situation is very different to yours so I can't really advise, but hopefully some of our other members who have had great success will be able to help.
Hi Everyone,

I have had type 2 for 3 years now and it is getting harder to control. I am on 4x slow release Metformin and 2x Byetta injections (10 micrograms). My last Hba1C was over 10. At the moment my morning levels are 12 so you can see my problem! I have had illness after illness since July (when I had the Swine Flu) which hasnt helped either.

I do have a weight problem and the Byetta was prescribed to assist with this. It has to a degree, but my weight loss is minimal.

I am not a "volume" eater, but I do have a stress reflex for sugar and fast acting carbs.

I am being considered for a gastric bypass and have 12 weeks to loose as much weight as possible and get the sugar levels under better control. If I fail then no op and a future on insulin.

So now I am trying to figure out what my approach should be? Just wondering if any of you have been in similar situations and had a better loss from one plan or another?

Grateful for any advice.



Dear Lynda,

Have a look at the recipes thread for a post by whally corker. In there he advocates a controlled carb approach as well as calorie (portion size) control. If you follow carefully what he does your blood sugars will drop and quickly too!

Warmest Regards Dodger

PS Read a book on the controlled carb approach -see Jenny Ruhl or Gretchen Becker in books thread. In the meantime have a look here
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Peppi - good luck with your weight loss. As well as food, activity is also important to consider. With better weather, it's more appealling to get outdoors and walk / cycle / anything. Not sure where you live, by try searching for "health walks" if you'd like to join an informal group - different websites for England, Scotland, Wales & Northern Ireland.
Peppi - good luck with your weight loss. As well as food, activity is also important to consider. With better weather, it's more appealling to get outdoors and walk / cycle / anything. Not sure where you live, by try searching for "health walks" if you'd like to join an informal group - different websites for England, Scotland, Wales & Northern Ireland.

I always struggle with weight loss - although things are going in the right direction (I have been >16st for the last 17 years.)

Exercise does make a huge difference though - just spent two weeks in Cornwall were I was quite bad really diet wise (well certainly not good). Went ove rto the other side of the harbour eveyr night and had at leats two pints of cider (and a few times quite a few more). However I was out walking the dog on the cliffs and beach every day and managed (to my delight) to come back 5LB lighter.
From experience, a quick weight loss is possible with a low carb diet. In the first few weeks the weight does shift quickly, then begins to slow down to a more gradual pace. Just be careful not to replace the carbs with a high fat and protein diet, as this can cause long term damage such as heart disease and kidney problems. Some people reduce their carbs and stick to a healthy low fat diet, I am sure there is one member on here who follows this approach called wally, who seems to have good results from a low carb and low fat diet. Whatever you decide to do, hope all goes well.
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