low carbohydrates

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
anyone else new to low carbs? since ive been on the pump ive found its jsust not worth it to have a plate of pasta or a chunk of bread. my sugars are a heck of a lot better controlled for the sacrifice although its very difficult eating out. i've started making omelettes and packing them full of cheese and bacon as i hate eggs ha ha!

anyone have any low carb tips? and will i put on weight with this high fat diet? im happy with my weight but dont want to put any on. what have others found?
anyone else new to low carbs? since ive been on the pump ive found its jsust not worth it to have a plate of pasta or a chunk of bread. my sugars are a heck of a lot better controlled for the sacrifice although its very difficult eating out. i've started making omelettes and packing them full of cheese and bacon as i hate eggs ha ha!

anyone have any low carb tips? and will i put on weight with this high fat diet? im happy with my weight but dont want to put any on. what have others found?

If you use the combination/split bolus you can eat bread/pasta with no problems at all.
But in answer to your question no I do not low carb. I do not have the will power for it and I love my carbs to much :D
no it really messes my long term sugars for the rest of the evening. even if i do split bolus.
no it really messes my long term sugars for the rest of the evening. even if i do split bolus.

In that case I suspect either your carb ratio is wrong or you have your % split wrong or the time between is wrong. what sort of a split do you do and the timing of it? Also the amount of pasta would have a major effect too how much pasta do you eat?
i didnt really ask about my carb count i wanted to see if other people were low carb (no offence). my carb counting is fine and my ratio is correct as it works with everything else. i just find having to spend all evening testing and adjusting levels a waster of my time when i could just have high protein and enjoy my evening
sorry i just read that back and it seems really harsh! im sorry, i know you were just trying to help.
Hi there!

Do you have a pump? I expect that perhaps this would make no carb eating easier! I had never thought of a no carb regime. However, I suppose if your basal rates are good, it could be possible. However, without carbs, is it not like the Atkins Diet? Would you not lose alot of weight. I am a little ignorant regarding no carbs. Perhaps you could let me know how you work it?!🙂
I have just been thinking about no carbs. The body has to get energy from somewhere to fuel ths whole system. I know that when you do not consume carbs the body uses the stored fat in the body, causing ketosis. If you check your urine you will show that you have ketones. I remember this, because my son wanted to lose weight, he decided to use the no carb, Atkins Diet, and he lost alot of weight very easily, although eating quite alot. I understand why you've decided to try no carbs, but perhaps if you need to lose weight, it is a quick fix. However, being diabetic. it perhaps might cause you to show ketones, and if you are on a pump, maybe would cause you lots of problems. Obvoiusly, these are only thoughts after reading your message. I sort of understand where you are comimg from, because I know it can be a pain, when trying to calculate the bolus, or combo bolus required for certain foods. I do not get it right alot of the time, but I'm still trying to get the right combo bolus when I eat certain foods. It is all trial and error.🙂
i would never cut out all carbs, but i have a pitta bread now and dont have huge bowls of pasta, i still have to have bolus insulin. its not to lose weight as i said, i was just wondering if anyone one was on a low carb (not no carb)
i dont have ketones, i check that quite often as my blood tester has the capacity to do this.

ps its not atkins as they cut out all fruit and i could not do that as i love it too much ( and yes before you ask i do count it and give insulin lol)
Hi again,

You asked if anyone else was on a low carb regime. Is this a thing that you decided to do yourself, or is this a new strategy, re controlling diabetes? I know it is a strange question, but I am interested in the things that you have said!
yeah ive noticed before that some people have said it helps, and i have definatly found it helps my sugars to be a lot more stable.
can i be clear, i mean low carb not no carb. I eat pitta bread instead of normal bread, i dont eat a lot of pasta or potatoes i just eat more meat. I still have fruit and veg etc.
can i be clear, i mean low carb not no carb. I eat pitta bread instead of normal bread, i dont eat a lot of pasta or potatoes i just eat more meat. I still have fruit and veg etc.

Very sensible approach to managing your diabetes.
What works best for you is always the best option 🙂
I follow a similar diet!

I have read and fully understand your request - I too try to low carb and when I am being good and follow this diet I have much more stability with my bs levels. I do not believe in the high fat approach. I do not low carb all the time - sometimes a pizza has to be done! But while I am at work I have porrige made with water for breakfast (20g) or a low carb muffin (12g) that I make myself or some fruit. Lunch is usually a salad with an apple or banana of tangerine - (15-30g) or a wholemeal pitta. Dinner I find more difficult - but like you - have far more veg and a small portion of pasta or a small potato. I don't like eggs very much either! I love cheese but do watch how much of it I eat! At the end of the day - I think what is now considered 'low carbing' is once what people used to eat! Over the years portion sizes have got so big - and there is so much sugar etc put in stuff. I really try to avoid pre-made sauces etc too - but that is just becase I make better ones myself! At first I found giving up the easy dinner of pasta and a sauce hard - but now I just do exactly the same but with vegetables - even hubby loves it! I think any diet that advises extremes cannot be right - and everything can be enjoyed in moderation!!!
low carbs

Hi. after I read the Dr Bernstein book, I thought I would try low carbing as my GP had decide the metformin were not working and put me on Levemir injections (I'm type 2 so not quite the same as you) and told me that people tend to put on weight with insulin injections. Cut my morning weetabix down from 2 to 1. Tried Soya milk and gave up on that. Started my cheese and ham (see recipes) or strips of cooked chicken and salad for lunch and greatly reduced my potatoe intake. I find that rice sends my BG sky high very quickly so avoid rice (try shredded cauliflower - goes well with currys). I now have a liking for cabbage which is a substitute for potatoes. I have found Burgen sliced bread which has Soya and Flaxseed in it and is very good, it sends my BG up about 1mmol per 2 slices and it seems to keep it there for a coupl of hours. I find that when i eat out I look for the Lasagne as that doesn't seem to affect me all that much. Failing that a steak is always good, although a lot of meat seems to put the sugar levels up early the next day. It is hard sticking to this regime and I relented a bit a Christmas and did enjoy the Xmas pud. But I am losing weight, very slowly now but still losing it.
After reading on the messageboard re low carbs. For a couple of days I have reduced my carb intake. It's worked quite well, however, it's the evening meal that I find a little difficult. This book by Dr Bernstein, is it worth buying? Your comments will be very helpful
I posted about this book on the recommended books board and there is a string of replies... I wanted to reeducate myself after 30 years of T1 diabetes and this book was brilliant. It explains the science of how your body works - it is not just a 'diet' book. Like many others I find Bernstein's diet too extreme - but the principal makes so much snese and do work - like Admin - I have cut down greatly on carbs and had much better balance - and like Admin - I like a pizza now and then! I think if you read it - get the prinipals of it - and then work out what works for you. I think I put a link in my books thread to the book on amazon...
I have a variable carb diet, some days I'll have around 60-80g which is lowered carb for me. and others while I'll have close to 400g. I find that my blood sugars are more stable on less carbs, but it's not something I can/ would want to do long term or all the time.

I woudl probably be able to use no rapid acting insulin if I did go low carb, but I like the flexibility of eating different amounts depending how I feel.
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