Low Carb problems

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Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Swedish study over 15 years ...

?low-carbohydrate, high-protein diets, used on a regular basis and without consideration of the nature of carbohydrates or the source of proteins, are associated with increased risk of cardiovascular disease?. They estimated that a 20g decrease in daily carbohydrate intake and a 5g increase in daily protein intake would lead to a 5% increased risk of cardiovascular disease."

I wonder why they didn't include fat at all? Would these women involved have actually maintained the same eating pattern for the subsequent 15 years? And what would the risks be if following a lower carb/higher fat protein diet to help you maintain good BG levels if you were diabetic i.e. would good BG be more important than an imbalance in food groups in your diet?

I like the NHS Choices site for the way it exposes the stupidity of some newspaper headlines (not even tabloid, tut Telegraph!).
I don't understand - a 20% (or whatever) decrease in carbs from what? Any level?

ie if you ate 600g of carbs a day, if you reduced it to 540g you'd be more likely to have a heart attack? Or if you ate 30g to start off with and reduced to 27g ?

Or what?

Ditto protein.

All these things are potty. I've heard it said that everyone should eat 200g of carb a day. Good grief if I ate that - with only the same amount of protein and fat etc I eat now, I'd be double my body weight very soon indeed.

On the other hand if you are a 6 foot rugger playing fireman or farmer, then it might be about right!

I have once been only 30% heavier than I am now, mainly from eating far too much chocolate at every opportunity, if it was liquid and came in a cup, it had to have a couple of biscuits ...... which put me in the low sector of Overweight, rather than the low sector of Healthy weight I ussually am (and am now). At that higher weight, I had difficulty doing everything, bending, stretching, walking, standing - my inner thighs rubbed together and made sores. It was perfectly HORRID. I was as miserable as sin and it was ALL my own fault. And I'm never ever doing it again.
This is more the sort of rubbish published by the press not the NHS!
I loved the conclusion: Despite its limitations, this study supports existing advice to follow a healthy balanced diet for optimal health.

No it doesn't, it's totally flawed. If they didn't check cholesterol levels, they probably didn't check on medications taken, blood pressure etc,etc. and they didn't check what diets the women were on after 15yrs, have they changed, cause most diets have changed in the last 15yrs.
This is more the sort of rubbish published by the press not the NHS!
I loved the conclusion: Despite its limitations, this study supports existing advice to follow a healthy balanced diet for optimal health.

No it doesn't, it's totally flawed. If they didn't check cholesterol levels, they probably didn't check on medications taken, blood pressure etc,etc. and they didn't check what diets the women were on after 15yrs, have they changed, cause most diets have changed in the last 15yrs.

Well, really it's the NHS explaining the detail behind the press's sensationalist headlines and the flaws in both the study and the stories that are loosely based on it - don't shoot the messenger! 🙂
Sorry Alan, the conclusion was the NHS statement that I was complaining about as well as the study. The NHS should have been a lot more critical, and not support it with their conclusion.

Like: well despite the flaws it proves what we always said - I don't think so.
Sorry Alan, the conclusion was the NHS statement that I was complaining about as well as the study. The NHS should have been a lot more critical, and not support it with their conclusion.

Like: well despite the flaws it proves what we always said - I don't think so.

Ah, I see - I was up early and it's now late is my excuse 😉
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